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[meme] Username meanings? Eh, sure why not?

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silver_eyes_rose - My newer Ruby Rose journal, referring to her silver eyes, natch.

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just_want_normal_knees was my older journal, referencing her complaint about how she didn't want to be special. She didn't want to "have bee's knees", she "wanted to have normal knees"

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cureofmanyworlds - my CRAU Nozomi Yumehara journal. Basically went from computer creation in Mayfield, to a pony in Equestria to a Hero of Light and beyond.

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Would I bring her to another game? I dunno

if not you can always retire her by saying she's chilling in Nohr with Corrin

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That's true

OHMYGOSH YOU'RE THAT RUBY TOO and I never realized this earlier!!

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Ahahaha, yes I am!

No idea why it didn't click earlier ...been here like "there is something familiar about this style..." but wow, okay, even more excited sharing game with your adorable Ruby

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Heheheh, it's okay! I made the new journal because I felt like starting fresh with her!