Zigzag Stampede
About to go for a walk. We shall see who will win. Me? Or the rain https://images.plurk.com/5YonttiWGh5pEwTzoaW2L1.png
Zigzag Stampede
Rain. It's going to be the rain
Zigzag Stampede
Good money is on the rain
Zigzag Stampede
Stopping for shushi on the walk (might even be the whole reason for the walk) and there is a family with two little kids who are super excited that one just lost a tooth
Zigzag Stampede
It is so wholesome and I love it
Zigzag Stampede
Such a proud momma and excited child for the tooth fairy
Zigzag Stampede
I lost the bet!!! I did beat the rain! I thought for sure it would get us on our walk!
nope, we return home dry and full of sushi XD
Zigzag Stampede
And also chocolate after you broke my arm and forced me to eat that twix bar