Corpse Sniffer
(utapri) i decided to waste my gems in the 3rd anniversary draw b/c ive had good luck, but ranran still refuses to come home.....

Corpse Sniffer
i pulled cecil, otoya, and ai.............

Corpse Sniffer

Corpse Sniffer
hopefully no ranran or syo events come up any time soon or im screwed

Syo was just recently and had Ranmaru as a sub... but then again it might still be Ranmaru soon

Corpse Sniffer

Corpse Sniffer
i only have 200 gems left

Corpse Sniffer
/shakes him back and forth

there will be a Ranmaru specific gacha... one day. so if you get an UR for Anni, it can only be Ran

I'm kinda aiming for that for Ren

Corpse Sniffer
not even ren graced me with his presence yet

Corpse Sniffer
cecil really lieks me for some reason

Corpse Sniffer
got a wierd amount of cecil and otoya urs

Corpse Sniffer
im playing a song and im like 'why does this sound so familiar'

Corpse Sniffer
i flash back to the time when i was trying to get the event UR for ranmaru and played the songs so many fucking times i could hear them in my sleep