(∩`-´)⊃━✨️ BIZ
Couldn't sleep, so I've been researching how to camp with a dog through the fall. All the manly bushcraft youtubers that I follow can either haul much more equipment out into the woods than me or they just sleep exposed to the elements, which is.
(∩`-´)⊃━✨️ BIZ
I have an ancient sleeping bag from my childhood that isn't great for anything besides summer weather, but I'm thinking I could chop it in half and double bag it, if that image makes sense? And then I could work with Ferris at home to crawl inside and snooze in it. The extra pound and a half would be worth it to me.
(∩`-´)⊃━✨️ BIZ
Ferris doesn't enjoy sleeping on the ground. He's always had a warm queen-sized bed with an abundance of pillows and his own couch for when he feels like snoozing in the sun. When I brought him home and tried to crate train him, I let him sleep with me for "just one night" and look how well that went.
(∩`-´)⊃━✨️ BIZ
So I can appreciate that he expects a comfortable sleep system and feels unsettled when asked to "rough it." Hence my desire to find a solution that doesn't break the bank or my back but still feels comfortable for him.
(∩`-´)⊃━✨️ BIZ
He's a big brat who would kill for me. Let's get this good boy a sleeping bag.
noah may cry
"I should google 'dogs in sleeping bags'," I said to myself. "That will give me a good burst of serotonin." And I was correct.
wo ai ni ★
I could use that serotonin