coffee gremlin☕
[uspol] welp glad i did productive stuff like change the litterbox and paint my nails before catching up on the latest political bs CW: racism, uspol in general
coffee gremlin☕
literally white supremacy at work
papermint tiger
coffee gremlin☕
i'm just. i can't even anymore
coffee gremlin☕
i literally don't know how to articulate the depth of despair i feel
papermint tiger
i don't know what to say
coffee gremlin☕
and it's frustrating as hell when people don't see the hell we're heading into if this continues.
papermint tiger
it's horrifying in a way i never thought i'd see in my lifetime, and it keeps getting worse
coffee gremlin☕
i mean me either
coffee gremlin☕
yeah same
coffee gremlin☕
i never thought i'd see a pandemic in my life, let alone LITERAL FASCISM
coffee gremlin☕
never ever in my life did i ever think the united states would become a fascist nation
papermint tiger
it's also frustrating because i keep getting, well, gaslighted at work. I don't think my buddy realizes he's doing it but he keeps saying how it's not that bad, the people who oppose Trump are just as bad as he is, blah blah blah and it's all very reasonable and such and then i get home and am like, wait a minute
coffee gremlin☕
like. the Holocaust is taught in schools. Hitler was a major topic. did everyone just forget those lessons??? or are they really that fucking naive to think "oh that CAN'T happen here"
coffee gremlin☕
that's their tactics. "it's not REALLY that bad". and i'm convinced some of them don't even realize they're doing it
papermint tiger
the problem i see is that Hitler is always framed as a monster. Which he was! But people lose sight of the fact that he was a person, that all the Nazis were regular Germans and the vast majority had no idea what was going on
papermint tiger
and so. You know. We're not monsters
papermint tiger
we see what's happening and it's not that bad
papermint tiger
nevermind that the regular American has no fucking clue what's really going on
coffee gremlin☕
that, and they don't really show his rise to power, just that he was in power and what he did with that power.
papermint tiger
becuase they hide this shit
coffee gremlin☕
but it's never laid out as "first he did this, and then he did that" to gain his position
papermint tiger
coffee gremlin☕
so people don't recognize the signs
papermint tiger
and yeah exactly, the people who gaslight the rest of us have first gaslighted themselves
papermint tiger
which makes it so much more insidious
papermint tiger
my own parents don't think Biden is any better than Trump and i cannot explain to them why they're wrong because i just can't with all of this
coffee gremlin☕
i had someone argue with me on FB that Harris was worse than Trump and for that reason she couldn't vote for Biden.
coffee gremlin☕
and yeah, neither Biden or Harris are perfect, and neither were my first picks. but they aren't trying to end democracy as we know it and regulate what can be taught in schools and they didn't consort with known dictators
papermint tiger
they're also 'traditional' politicians which, by god, we need to go back to that
coffee gremlin☕
papermint tiger
i hate them in general but they're better than a wingnut who doesn't play the game and goes off on his own to do crazy things
coffee gremlin☕
coffee gremlin☕
they've at least had political backgrounds
coffee gremlin☕
hell Biden was the VP lmao
coffee gremlin☕
he has a damn good idea of how to do things, other than the reality tv star who treats everything like a game
papermint tiger
papermint tiger
Trump is deluded and i think that if he isn't demented on top of it he's doing drugs constantly
papermint tiger
it's the only thing that explains his weird behavior
coffee gremlin☕
he thinks everyone should drink bleach. can he do that so we can dilute him until he can't do anymore damage?
papermint tiger
honestly i'm starting to think this is the Bush problem but like. Magnified. To give context, i genuinely believe Bush was manipulated and a lot of his ideas came from Cheney and others around him. Not that he didn't have bad ideas of his own... but anyway
papermint tiger
it feels like a lot of his decisions and rulings and so forth are directly targeting poor people if he's not targeting POCs
papermint tiger
and that feels like it comes from the rich fucks he's filled the White House with
coffee gremlin☕
oh i'm sure it does. at least in part. this is part of why i say a person shouldn't be president unless they have a political background first. bc ppl try to influence you and you gotta know how to handle all that, aside from just...ya know...KNOWING HOW POLITICS WORK
papermint tiger
coffee gremlin☕
unfortunately i'm not too familiar with Bush and Cheney. Like I know their names ofc, but I was young enough I wasn't really paying attention to politics at the time. it probably would do me some good to read up on his presidency. both of the Bush's I mean
papermint tiger
he was president during my teen years and i remember there being some shady shit like Cheney owned the company that got a contract to help rebuilt the middle east after the war
coffee gremlin☕
papermint tiger
and i can't remember why but i always felt like Bush was pressured by Cheney to go to war in the first place (i know, 9/11, but still)
coffee gremlin☕
huh. i remember 9/11 clearly, and I remember a lot of people opposing a way and then the states going to war anyway, but the political end of things was not something i was paying attention to. I was a teenager as well
coffee gremlin☕
(and pls note that teenage me was a total shithead. she believed everyone should vote in every election, but also didn't pay attn to politics for anything)
papermint tiger
i had a friend who was really into politics and my dad listened to NPR constantly. NPR was actually decent back then
papermint tiger
i didn't give a fuck either but i also couldn't avoid it for many reasons lmao
coffee gremlin☕
fair lol
coffee gremlin☕
my dad was also into politics and would try to teach me about them. but first off his and my stances are radically different (i don't talk to him anymore, but i have no doubt he's a trump supporter) and secondly, i barely wanted to be in the same room as the guy much less discuss such heavy/serious things
coffee gremlin☕
for context: he hated Clinton just bc he was a democrat. not bc he had an affair, but just party affiliation. so lol
coffee gremlin☕
i don't remember enough about Clinton's presidency either to comment on it, but I don't think he should have gotten all the bs he did simply for having an affair. i know he was leader of the nation, but he's also human and what sexy things ppl do shouldn't be public knowledge.
papermint tiger
papermint tiger
plus Monica Lewinsky really didn't deserve the negative attention, i'm glad she made it through all that crap to the other side
coffee gremlin☕
yeah same