Any tips for dealing with restless legs?

Pocket of Soup
Get bionic legs.

just corvi
is it actual restless legs syndrome or a stress tic? Kiddo's legs kick and stuff when she's stressed out which is why I'm asking. Different methods for stress tics

Honey Bunny
tonic water. It has quinine in it which helps. I suffer terribly from it, I call it kicky leg

just corvi
: it is rls I get it mostly at night but today is bad for some reason.

Honey Bunny
: I call it cricketing cause I tend to rub my feet/legs together like a cricket lol

how odd, i think this happened to me the other night. how does it feel, to you?

: it feels like I have to move and sorta tingles but not tingles. kinda pins and needles but also not. its really hard for me to describe the feeling to be honest.

I don't have rls but my legs get restless and twitchy at night, and getting a weighted blanket actually helps a lot with that

normally I only have it at night and I take gabapentin for it. for some reason I'm having it now and its making me crazy. I took a gabapentin but its not helping. I also take magnesium for it daily.

just corvi
unfortunately I only know methods for stress tics.

just corvi
: that's oki I appreciate it

: I thought about getting one but they are to warm for me. I sleep with a plain flat sheet in the ac and most of the time partly off off my legs/feet anyway.

oh god i hate the kicky legs... my weighted blanket has helped a lot with them

the one i got is cooling so you don't get hot in it or at least i don't...

my restless legs comes from my meds i think, i also get them when i'm on my period. sometimes its so bad it feels like my legs are just uncontrollably moving and i have to kick

Alicia ✿
I use magnesium supplements to help. Natural Calm is the powder I use, but about a half dose, so it doesn't make me poo. Lol

Skittles 🍄
I hate rls! I find cooling my legs down helps. Standing on a cold floor or something

Cami Mahovlich
Ibuprofen is what i use if I get them, it works

Darling Potato
I had it pretty bad during chemo, my doctor actually told me to take benadryl (mind you this was happening at night when I was trying to sleep) and it did the trick. I remember thinking it was odd but my doc told me to do it! lol

it is finally calming down a bit. idk why but during the day it makes more crazy than at night.

Coming in late on this, but I wanted to let you know Mr Dr says b6 helps with RLS. I take it and it really does help. Mine is due to medications I take daily. Hope you find relief.

: oh thank you ill have to ask my Dr about that.