XD They went outside, it was raining, so Ian is licking the water off Cody, and Cody looks so confused
Backwards ears mean "HE IS NOT PESTERING ME?!?" but the side of his mouth closest to Ian is twitching up into a smile like "HE IS GIBING ME KEESES!"
These two have a very Annoying Younger Brother to Annoyed Older Brother relationship. You can tell they love each other, but more often then not, Cody is doing everything in his power to get Ian worked up and chasing him around the house. If he gets worked up because of us, Ian will get snarly-growly at him like "WUT R U DOIN U R TOO LOUD Y U MAKE FUSS?!?"
They aren't usually fighting, that only happens in extremely rare circumstances, but they definitely give each other shit. XD
Also, so much jealous! One gets attention, the other has to get it, too!!! At the expense of pushing his brother out of the way!
Omg they are so cuuuuuute