Dr Sheepenstein
thinking about QC powers some more
Dr Sheepenstein
mostly gil's, bc as the Adversary of Links his primary ability is to see the links between things in a literal fashion
Dr Sheepenstein
so when he activates it he can see chains connecting people, with varying appearances based on their relationships/bonds/other strong links
Dr Sheepenstein
and his other abilities all functionally revolve around that, but can be used in literal senses on actual real chains
Dr Sheepenstein
good luck tying this boy up, in other words
Dr Sheepenstein
and now i'm just wondering what shit actually looks like
Dr Sheepenstein
the stronger a bond is, the thicker the links
Dr Sheepenstein
True Bonds are gold, Conductor bonds are silver/white, hah
Dr Sheepenstein
familial bonds are ruby chains, and that doesn't necessarily mean just blood relatives. good friends are orange/yellow, a distinctly different shade to TB
Dr Sheepenstein
links where there's more than one major bond at play will be dominated by True Bond, if it exists between them, bc QC magic
Dr Sheepenstein
but otherwise it'll just be a mixture of colours that grant's learned to identify from experience
Dr Sheepenstein
rivals are navy blue
Dr Sheepenstein
Spirit Companion links are probably like. rose gold? they're probably distinct in some way bc spirit companions are weird. maybe their links physically look different
Dr Sheepenstein
Dangerous Chair i'm p sure i'm behaving within acceptable limits but let me know if i'm going overboard
Dr Sheepenstein
or if you have suggestions bc i think being able to ride the links was a fucking fantastic one
Dr Sheepenstein
i did ask already if grant can feel gil's and i'm so glad the answer is yes, he just can't see them bc that has potential for shenanigans
Dr Sheepenstein
bc he has close CR that's not infiltrating that he can just, like
Dr Sheepenstein
trip over the links to
Oh Dear...
That sounds pretty close to stuff that Kanji's done in the past. Might want to check with Sleepy
Dr Sheepenstein
which part?
Dangerous Chair
the coloration is all kosher. one note will be that the Bond between Conductors and Tesserae is the same color as between Conductor and Conductor
Dangerous Chair
a bond created by a Sanction would be a leaden grey
Dr Sheepenstein
nice nice nice
Dangerous Chair
also that the Conductor bond will always be the thickest bond a conductor possesses, and Conductor bonds to non-Conductors will be visible on the non-Conductor side but not visible on the Conductor side
Dr Sheepenstein
Oh Dear...
Specifically the visible bonds between people part and affecting people's relationships with those bonds.
another pin for the board
Dr Sheepenstein
grant's primary powerset isn't emotional manipulation which is the route my brain automatically takes re: affecting relationships it's using the links he can see as physical assets. which i can see is not well-described in how i've been explaining his powers so far!
Dr Sheepenstein
any adverse affects he puts in place, eg muting, displacing, swapping, all last for like. a minute tops
Cerise ♢
Yup, that's how it worked for Champion!Kanji. He didn't use them as physical objects, though... Just used razor wire threads and nets as weapons, so that's out of archetype here.
Cerise ♢
He had the colours change depending on specific connections and the colours he associated with that person, though.
Dr Sheepenstein
nice! adv!gil doesn't weaponise his, as such, he uses them as environmental factors and the colour association is entirely dependent on the relationship type, not the emotions of the people involved
Cerise ♢
Nice. Kan will wish he'd thought of that. XD As it is, he did get frustrated by calling the threads up and seeing his links looking weak compared to others... They weren't an always on thing.
Dr Sheepenstein
GIl hasn't got any True Bonds in this overlay, i think, but he
Dr Sheepenstein
he doesn't expect people to WANT to, haha, he knows his reputation
Dr Sheepenstein
even as a Champ Gil's weapons were like. meteor hammers again. using chains to wrap around objects and swing them around like a wrecking ball. he didn't get to explore them much bc he was only a champion for one literal day
Cerise ♢
Dr Sheepenstein
he doesn't mind
Cerise ♢
And again, Kan says true bonds are overhyped. ;-)
Dr Sheepenstein
i feel like he and gil's overlay will get along well :3
Cerise ♢
It's not the type of connection that's important, it's the feelings.
Dr Sheepenstein
i like that as a crucial difference in how their powers work, it's neat
Cerise ♢
Yes! It's nice to have that contrast. (And yeah, he might try and go 'look up that big purple rock over there, I know you're wary of Oracles but he knows this shit.)
Cerise ♢
Kan didn't keep his Champion stuff when he Adversary'd out, but he definitely remembers it. Might have to find an excuse for why his archetype changed so much. XD
Dr Sheepenstein
Dr Sheepenstein
i don't know if gil started as Links here or if it ended up being a natural progression from like. Hooks or Chains
Cerise ♢
Makes sense. :-)
Cerise ♢
('cause it's their job? XD But he gets it.)
Dr Sheepenstein
(they have secrets and he intends to find out)