這邊有一本書提到這位詩人的部分摘錄 「I delight in the prime of a boy of twelve, but a thirteen-year-old's better yet. At fourteen he's sweeter flower, & one going on fifteen's even more delightful. Sixteen belongs to the gods, & seventeen...」 請翻閱至第100頁
詩集的譯本幾乎只存於大型圖書館館藏,例如這本「Strato's Boyish muse, now first translated wholly into English.」是屬於上個世紀初的印刷出版物,副本還算多,但是這本「Strato's boy-love : from the Greek anthology, [circa 1932].」這本竟然只有手稿,目前存放於耶魯大學圖書館 Strato's Boyish muse, now first translated wholly in...
A twelve-year-old looks fetching in his prime, Thirteen's an even more beguiling time. That lusty bloom blows sweeter at fourteen; Sexier yet a boy just turned fifteen...下略 雖然跟「The Affectionate Shepherd: Celebrating Richard Barnfield」收錄的不完全一樣,但是看起來意思很相近,都是講述12歲~17歲男孩子的美好
好奇有幾位噗友以前看過 ((是我知道的太晚嗎
這邊介紹一下這位詩人 Straton of Sardis - Wikipedia
西元前1~2世紀的古希臘人,目前找到已翻譯的詩篇 Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Erotic Poems - 43
Strato's Boyish muse, now first translated wholly in...
Strato's boy-love : from the Greek anthology, [circa...
Greek Anthology, 12
「I delight in the prime of a boy of twelve, but a thirteen-year-old's better yet. At fourteen he's sweeter flower, & one going on fifteen's even more delightful. Sixteen belongs to the gods, & seventeen...」
12~18歲的少年真香是不是隱性正太少年控,怎麼感覺超懂Strato's Boyish muse, now first translated wholly in...
病入膏肓了如果他有自傳我一定買來好好跪著看雖然跟「The Affectionate Shepherd: Celebrating Richard Barnfield」收錄的不完全一樣,但是看起來意思很相近,都是講述12歲~17歲男孩子的美好
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但貓貓沒有毛我不行 XDDDD