[meme] I’ll mute this Plurk for a while, leave me compliments and/or cute/cool things to come back to!
We aren’t in a game anymore but I always like talking to you :3
You’re such a sweet, kind, funny person and a wonderful writer!!! I’m so glad you’re in my cast playing DAD MIGHT and are just such a lil ray of sunshine. You’re spongebob emotes and memes make me cackle because I’m a huge infant and just ur p. cool
you're the kind of person who seeks the positive and that has always been inspirational. You're sweet, you're easy to talk to. I know if you're speaking up it took a lot for that to happen and you've always been super willing to hear others out.
We've only just recently met, and I already would fight wars for you. My compliments to the 'cast' and stuff are also included to you. Even before I apped you were very kind to a complete stranger and I couldn't be more happy than to say that in the timeline I lived in, I got to know you! I hope there's a lot more knowing to be had.
Y'all... thank you