Outbreaks Drive U.N.C. Chapel Hill Online After a We...
Duh. Like you guys are ACTUALLY surprised this would happen? Honestly, I expect the final number to be much higher
We're at the other end of Tobacco Rd and I am just so over all the efforts to make in-person work. It's not going to. We'll see. Much smaller undergrad student body, but that doesn't mean they are any less reckless.
🔹nkaru🔹 : honestly, I can't even be mad at the students. They're teenagers. Most of them don't have fully developed brains (I'm not being a smart ass, saying this as someone who had a semester of adolescent psychology). They do stupid, reckless, selfish things.
There was one school that was doing a rapid spit test type of testing, it was a pilot program, they are testing students and faculty and admin, all the time, something like that I can see working, if you can isolate cases before spread, but that is the only way I can see opening back up short of a vaccine. Same goes for lower grades.
Amber : that sounds like at least SOMETHING in the right direction