Saw this floating around and I wanted to hop in on it: Romantic state meme? Let's gooo!

Yugo's shown to like girls in YGO: ARC V! He has a pretty obvious crush on his childhood friend Rin -- a lot of his actions have a lot to do with just how close he is with her, with or without the romantic implications, ah ha :'D

-- Yugo's also seen ogling other girls, too, but he's a dumb 14 y/o in an anime series that doesn't hesitate to do girls pretty dirty at the worst of times. So like. Whatever. Sighs. U - U

I don't have any romantic goals for Yugo unless Rin pops into the radar (which I'm not holding any bets for) or Yuzu does (in which I feel like Yugo's going to be hands free from anyhow :'D) -- and he's not the sharpest knife in the crayon box socially, so. GOOD LUCK all around on this front, WHEEZES

I'm keeping my mind open on this front all and all, since slow burn romantic stuff is my WEAKNESS (≧◡≦)