Jack Raid
morality question: The kids on the playground push Tyler off the seasaw. You're over on the bench. What do you do?
well I'm over here on the bench
Jack Raid
but you see what they're doing to Tyler
yeah but I'm over here on the bench
Jack Raid
so you just do nothing
because I'm over here! on the bench!
You're Quinner
I can't believe Rem is a Nazi
Jack Raid
now now Quinn
Jack Raid
in fairness
Jack Raid
she's over on the bench
... I know this is a reference to something
but I don't know what.
Jack Raid
ShaynaIsHere : John Mulaney
aadffraxch this whole plurk
Lord Nick
To hell with Tyler. He knows what he did.
Jack Raid
Tyler did nothing
Lord Nick
I see Tyler has gotten to you too.
I mean I wanna say I'd step in to do something but ngl I'd probably wait to see what happens
also how many kids are pushing tyler off the seesaw and are his parents around
Jack Raid
it's at school so there are no parents
Jack Raid
and let's say 2 or 3 kids
Tyler lacks of STREET SMARTS
You're Quinner
I pull the lever so that the trolley hits the kids instead of Tyler
Jack Raid
there is no trolley involved here!
Well, historically, I'm on the bench because the teacher forcibly removed me from the playground for biting someone, who deserved it.
So clearly whatever adult authority figure is restraining my tiny child need for overwhelming violence should be handling this situation and it's their fault for not dealing with it.
Lord Nick
Tyler always startin' shit.
Do I have my sniper rifle with me?
Jack Raid
Jack Raid
you're a child
What about my 50 dollar bill in a money clip? Do I have that?
Jack Raid
I'd assume so
then fuck Tyler. I'm tossing my money clip and running
Jack Raid
the kids pushing Tyler off the seasaw see what you have done, and collect the money
Jack Raid
they proceed to fight amongst themselves over it, leading to them getting in trouble
if I was a child in this situation then I prolly wouldn't do shit because I was a fraidy cat child
it's really kind of on the shoulders of the adults looking after us
we are impressionable babes at this age yo
I also wouldn't trust parents to do shit about their bully kids, they are usually the kinds of parents who believe their kid does no wrong