https://images.plurk.com/12PjlihpN2223PSjGJZkfZ.png before sleeping I hear good news about peace treaty between Israel - UEA, and now after I wake up I got a good news that The killers new album is out now
_ edit. More music. Album still few weeks away.
Sberry Moon🍓🌙
Siram taneman tuh
gue penasaran nama operatornya apa itu we doang keliatannya
evantonky : it called We4G or We for short
Itu gmn cara nampilin kalender islam
https://images.plurk.com/3a90ghsaxp0kPkXmA8zCdT.png As_3d™ : got to settings then calendar. There’s alternate calendar option
Cm ada di ipin x keatas ya? Kok gada ini iikj
https://images.plurk.com/6XbvhhDhXrUWikdwdX9SmA.jpg sorry2 my mistake. Ketemu tapi tapi tampilankh kek gini, nampilin kaya dikaw piye
As_3d™ : perhaps in General -> Language and Region settings
Ra iso
I don’t know then
As_3d™ : musti subscribe ke kalender yang sama, itu meski kalender islam juga tapi keknya creatornya beda ama yang dwan subs makanya tampilannya beda
Yg ipin 5, ada thn nya. Yg 7+ udah gw paksain bisa (haha) tp ubah lang jd us
It usually Région and language format. I use English and US date format