Given how heavy into wrestling the ancient Greeks were, it makes SO MUCH SENSE that her fighting style would be heavy with it, and that the last thing you'd ever want her to do is get her hands on you
Pilot Bill: Gotham Tower, this is McGuffin Airlines Flight 1138. We are transporting 11 million sticks of dynamite, 17,000 pounds of C-4, about 150 cute little classic bomb-type bombs...
Pilot Bill, Captain Dale: [simultaneously] ... and two best friends!
Pilot Bill: We request permission to fly over the most crime-ridden city in the world. Over.
The Joker: [Continuing to list villains] Mr. Freeze, Penguin, Crazy Quilt, Eraser, Polka-Dot Man, Mime, Tarantula, King Tut, Orca, Killer Moth, March Harriet, Zodiac Master, Gentlemen Ghost, Clock King, Calendar Man, Kite Man, Catman, Zebra-Man, and the Condiment King!
Pilot Bill, Captain Dale: [simultaneously] ... and two best friends!
Pilot Bill: We request permission to fly over the most crime-ridden city in the world. Over.
The Joker: Nope, they're all real. Probably worth a Google.
"well, children can be cruel"
"it's pinot grigiot"
"uh, no.... that would be weird"
"it would be weirder if that wasn't your son"
....'s roommate?"