colorful bunch
[star trek] so modiphius, the creators of star trek adventures the tabletop game of which I own....everything that is currently published
colorful bunch
I went in on the preorder of the klingon core book on pdf bc pdfs are cheap and even tho I don't have an interest in that specifically, Why Not
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(plus I hear it makes some smooth improvements to the general core rulebook as it is)
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but they released a pdf for playing as the NX-01 crew
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(as they've done for the other major crews)
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and they included shran as a commander, he's even wearing the patch, and I'm just
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colorful bunch
remember the universe we could've had where shran joins the crew officially
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(as it is, the books have him just being part of the federation with his own ship and shit That's Not What We Wanted)
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(thankfully books are only as canon as any of us want which is why malcolm is definitely not getting in a relationship with what I can only assume is tom paris' grandmother/great grandmother BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY)
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also everyone's traits are just their race which is normal for how the game is set up...except for malcolm, whose traits include section 31 and I'm tickled
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someday I'm gonna finish reading all of the core book and actually absorb it all (I've gotten close and then I get distracted along the way thanks adhd) and then actually find people to play it
colorful bunch
I keep bringing it up to my irl gang but seems like after our long running star wars game imploded they're mostly interested in dnd and dnd-like games
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some of them are familiar with star trek as a whole but nobody seems interested in giving it a go. which like. we gave the asoiaf game a go (it sucks don't play it) and only like two of the gang were familiar with it
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idk there's a. habit. that I'll go 'hey is anyone interested in [x] game' and I get no response or a lukewarm 'maybe sometime'
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I have had risk legacy sitting in the basement of the house for like at least 10 years
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nobody's taken me up on playing and for as much as board games cost anymore it's kind of a disappointing waste of money
colorful bunch
there was a humble bundle or some kind of sale of star trek adventures here recently and at least one of my buddies linked me cuz they know I'm all about the trek (I'd bought all of it earlier during some kind of big sale some months back alas) so it's not like...they aren't aware