colorful bunch
colorful bunch
Starset - VESSELS (Full Album)
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Halestorm - I Get Off (Official Video)
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ARMOR FOR SLEEP "The Truth About Heaven" (Official M...
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colorful bunch
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Skeptics and True Believers
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colorful bunch
Steam Powered Giraffe - Brass Goggles
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Hawthorne Heights - Niki Fm
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The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret (Offi...
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George Watsky - Whoa Whoa Whoa lyrics
alternately if we are specifically going with bands rather than artistsYou Are a Runner and I Am My Fathers Son Redux
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Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
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Brave as a Noun
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that last one goes right on into the next song which is also good
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and sure I could post the clean version but I have a fondness for a live version just for the enthusiasm of the crowd yknow
colorful bunch
Andrew Jackson Jihad - Brave As a Noun, Survival Son...
colorful bunch
idk brave as a noun is like a surprisingly important song to me and I don't recall how I even came across it in the first place