The Metropolitan Museum of Art will be open five days a week starting August 29, pending State and City approval MET可能八月底會重開。 有時候會覺得還好家人是去年夏天來找我順便逛紐約市。今年......大概只能見識美國的「偉大」。
‘Clean Up This Mess’: The Chinese Thinkers Behind Xi’s Hard Line Chinese academics have been honing the Communist Party’s authoritarian response in Hong Kong, rejecting the liberal ideas of their youth.
"The very word 'repatriation' [...] rested on a fact of citizenship that had ceased to exist the day he, Karamat Lone, took office and sent an unequivocal message to those who treated the privilege of British citizenship as something that could be betrayed without consequences." Shamsie在寫公民身分這點上感覺好過來人。「擁有英國公民身分是種特權,不是出生公民權。」這背後的邏輯和暗示......。
"The fact is, Rebecca Lind has on repeated occasions during her short life been confronted with a system whose arbitrariness we all have to submit to. Or not one single occasion has society, or the philosophy that created it, given her any help or offered her its understanding....
In fact, Rebecca's action had political foundations, although she herself does not belong to any political group and certainly lives in happy ignorance of the political system that dictated practically everything that happens to us in this country.
Let us not forget that the preposterous doctrine that war is the logical conclusion of politics is still valid today, and that this maxim has been created by well-paid theorists in the service of this capitalist society.
What this young woman did yesterday was a political act, even if unconscious. I maintain that Rebecca Lind sees the corrupt rottenness of society more clearly than thousands of other young people. As she lacks political contacts and has little idea of what is involved in a mixed-economy government, her clarity of vision is even greater."
"412 policemen were struggling with about twice as many demonstrators. The police were equipped with tear gas bombs, pistols, whips, batons, cars, motorcycles, shortwave radios, battery megaphones, riot dogs and hysterical horses. The demonstrators were armed with a letter and cardboard signs, which grew more and more sodden in the pelting rain."
"To be sure, history is replete with political regimes that mobilize around crime, use the criminal law to cover up the asymmetrical effects of power, bolster the elimination of political dissidents, and terrorize and deter organized resistance by systematically exploited classes."
"Though criminal laws often speak in terms of prohibitions, and penal sanctions demand greater degrees of submission to authority, the work of governing through crime, seen in its larger totality,
involves the effort of responsible actors of all kinds in contemporary American society who struggle to provide security for their families, their students, their customers, their employees, and others."
"[I]t is the relationship between these two faces of governing through crime, the penal state and the security state, 'the criminology of the other' and the 'criminology of the self ' (Garland 2001a, 137) that in the end we must map if we are to disentangle American democracy from its late modern relationship to crime."
'In the era of racially targeted law-and-order policies,' the overall effect of these representational strategies is to move the problem of crime and its control away from neoconservative politics of over-policing and punishing onto the allegedly neutral terrain of doing responsible science."
Recognizing Racism in the Era of Neoliberalism "Neoliberalism sees the market as the very paradigm of freedom, and democracy emerges as a synonym for capitalism, which has reemerged as the telos of history."
"Over the weekend, Chicago police officers shot and wounded a reportedly armed man in Englewood, another South Side community. The resulting chaos led to misinformation, frustration, clashes with the police, and extensive looting that extended to the city’s downtown areas."
“Catholic or Protestant?” “Just sort of Baptist.” Nile responded on reflex. “Why?” “How is the saying? For a country that claims to be Protestant your government certainly disapproves of protest.” 救命XDDDDDD
"An awful lot of SF readers, however, confuse the existence of that interpretive space with the values the interpretations most often written into that space have, most often, supported: those literary values that are unitary or authoritarian.
The response of these readers, no doubt impelled by the best of intentions and a suspicion that unitary values are inappropriate to a writing field so clearly a pluralistic enterprise, is simply to deny all existence to the interpretive space around the SF text.
The usual way of accomplishing this is for these readers to assume a conscientiously philistine approach—which is what they intuitively feel is opposed to a 'literary' approach. 'First of all,' they say, 'science fiction is merely entertainment.'
But can’t you hear, lurking behind this statement, an appeal not to the notion of a plurality of values but to a single value, 'entertainment value,' meant to totalize the whole field? This is simply the mirror image of the statement 'Literary texts have literary value.'
The good ones presumably have more of it, the bad ones less, but all literary texts have some. This, presumably, is why they are literature in the first place. 'SF texts have entertainment value.' The good ones, again, have more, the bad ones less.
Laurie: The [relationships] in my books are def not healthy. Lisa: Who wants healthy??? [...] Amy: No one is reading crime books for insight into healthy relationships.
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Chinese academics have been honing the Communist Party’s authoritarian response in Hong Kong, rejecting the liberal ideas of their youth.
喔!之前才在說,剛看到有期刊要出特別刊,在徵現代西部類型的稿了,例子就包含Westworld和The Last of Us和Red Dead Redemption。
Doctor Who為主題的特刊在徵稿。
馬丁.貝克 刑事檔案的第十集......還沒出?
The limits of the sovereign state: Strategies of crime control in contemporary society
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice
Serializing Evil: David Peace and the Formulae of Crime Fiction
Law as a Gendering Practice
目前看到三集中的第一集。好慢。然後目前還看不太出來影集想把重點擺在哪。該不會是想當true crime拍吧?(總共也才三集,我覺得有主軸的話這速度有點太慢了)
"Neoliberalism sees the market as the very paradigm of freedom, and democracy emerges as a synonym for capitalism, which has reemerged as the telos of history."
Redefining Southern Culture: Mind and Identity in the Modern South
嗯......是Magnificent Mile。本來三月報告漢尼拔的時候要住那邊。
USPS just made sweeping changes to its leadership as lawmakers call for an investigation into delayed mail ahead of the 2020 election
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但它讓我發現The Outsider用了很多驅魔/惡魔附身的梗。連opening都長很像。
“Just sort of Baptist.” Nile responded on reflex. “Why?”
“How is the saying? For a country that claims to be Protestant your government certainly disapproves of protest.”
嗯......如果之後要研究Paco Ignacio Taibo II的話搞不好可以回頭把這部撿起來。
買了二手Life Itself打算來看,結果發現這本平裝本比別人都小一號。
Macbeth by Jo Nesbø review – Shakespeare reimagined
離題,看這篇才發現Russian Doll被歸在喜劇類。
Jessica Johnson的短篇A Band Apart
Photos from the fires burning in Napa County
Part 2: What Is the Canadian Dream? And How Do You Write About It
Lisa: Who wants healthy???
Amy: No one is reading crime books for insight into healthy relationships.
“Our Boys” and the Economics of Empathy