sweet. a log would be fun! she's in Jeopardy but will be exploring places in her off time, so she might bump in to finn somewheres? (i have plans for her to go check out that creepyass spider church in her own city at some point, but she has discovered the Porter and is using it a LOT rn)
Finn hasn't been back to Jeopardy since the last huge event last year, so he could possibly find a reason to go back, or she could catch him while he's out doing errands at Heropa
sypha comes from an oral storytelling culture, so while she is familiar with the concept of a library, she's not exactly.... used to browsing. she is learning, though!
No rush! It's not like my last tag in that one didn't take a bazillion weeks or whatever. Also, lmk if you want to start a new one with Jacob and the Grand Creeper
Close encounter of the 70th kind: when the alien makes you something bizarre yet also delicious for breakfast on the morning following a close encounter of the 69th kind