Ayam K-Pop 🍗
A: let’s take a walk, I’ll take many pictures of your pretty face | C: aww thank you, Angel! (girlkiss) https://images.plurk.com/55pRCtHIIXrtf0pDsvOlI6.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7csUARlHxNmPakEZcsmHYt.jpg
ihhh lucuuuk so fashionable (yay)
Ayam K-Pop 🍗
Memang mereka lucu
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Ayam K-Pop 🍗
dua hektar
astaga ini lucu banget (yay)
Ayam K-Pop 🍗
More https://images.plurk.com/5McdHaKOIoLGG67rsi9XlV.jpg https://images.plurk.com/cic2AvaZhKgF4K2RAgzet.jpg https://images.plurk.com/17jKUAUYHI3AT7gAuA2ekq.jpg
Ayam K-Pop 🍗
Behind the scene https://images.plurk.com/1pmnfg6E6nS6rOiMq4iw4I.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5yETNjLIZhBnL28ECtGhmD.jpg
kek mana
Ayam K-Pop 🍗
ada monster meng