Oh... are region crossings expected to be better in the cloud?
DevinVaughn : in testing they have been BUT keep in mind it's also beta grid, so there are other potential factors making it smoother as well.
Allegory : Hmmm it would be great if it turns out to improve things
Eventually, it is hoped that running via AWS will see some improvement in cross performance, simply because of improvements in simulator / simulator hand-offs - all simulators will initially be running in the same AWS farm, and the hardware itself will be capable of faster processing, reducing some of the time involved in packing/unpacking data - /cont'd
Plus, as they are all located within the same farm, there shouldn't be added latency in the actual comms between simulators / simhosts (the infrastructure is liable to be more recent than LL's in this regard, despite updates to the latter) - /cont'd
Some of this might change should LL opt to go for a more distributed model within AWS for simhost placement, but that is something that's unlikely to occur until LL is confident they are not introducing unnecessary issues when doing so - / cont'd
BUT.... right now, it's really early days for Aditi Simhosts + the cloud, and WRT Blake Sea, it would appear that there will need to be a lot of adjustments before people have reasonable confidence in vehicle crossings. Things are, frankly, a bit of a mess right now.
Thanks for the scoop!
You're welcome!