At first it just seems like a wet dream of... a pinterest girl ??? The elements in her friend's apartment (especially the bedroom) are sooo vintage and nostalgic... I can't say that I don't enjoy those things, but maybe it's a bit too adorable for me nowadays.
But the cinematography is really really good...even its lack of content makes it somehow look like a music video, It's still full of emotion and quite stunning.
"This mixtape will save the world"
I mean
It's like someone's pinboard
完全不意外這張的配樂是導演自己寫的,遇過幾部運用音樂至深的indie film,多半是導演自己本身寫的曲子。
海星 短评
懂 然而我就是卡在一個一半喜愛一半「?」的心情 XDD
過程就是覺得導演任性沒什麼不好,反正至少人家執行力很好,對我而言有種吃小甜派的心情 (what)