فك يو
> random facebook friend request
> oh huh, i don't recognize that name, let's check them out
https://images.plurk.com/4T3SELxSMmwi7YGfo00ZlC.png https://images.plurk.com/6e9rkDcVoUsiXEtxVZicon.png

> ....... ah i see
فك يو
i'm almost charmed by this
فك يو
a bright-eyed bushy-tailed young missionary out to win some souls just goes out and friends a bunch of local randos
فك يو
i'm not adding her back because i don't want to get her hopes up for nothing
فك يو
but i am charmed
And I`m QV
I mean, it's safer than going door to door during Covid and less intrusive so... good for her, kinda.
Adam Ruzek
we have Jehovah Witnesses call us since covid lock downs. I was highly amused that they are working from home.
ᴜʀʙᴀɴ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅ
that sure is something
I applaud her for her social distancing!
my brother went on a mission for the Mormons, but social media wasn't a thing he was allowed to do. which is a shame because if it had been he would have actually taken pictures and he went to a lot of cities in Brazil
فك يو
why wasn't he allowed social media?
I think they just wanted the missionaries focused on their work rather than thinking about what some jerk said on Facebook, or how many likes their photos were getting. Email, letters, and phone calls were fine (but phone calls were pretty limited because of rules and also where he was)