Coming to Second Life: Gen Con “the best four days i...

SL blog post:

Wow. This is pretty big deal!
I have not heard of Gen Con before, but I would like to go check it out in SL

Get yourself registered and you can

Anne Cloud
I haven't been, but I have a friend who loves to go every year/couple of years if he can. It seems like a good match!

GenCon is the biggest tabletop con in the world, or at least the US. Its on the spouse's bucketlist.

Anne Cloud
TBH, i don't think 4 regions is anywhere near enough.

Yeah I have... -concerns- re: region limits.

Anne Cloud
But what with the shortage currently... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Max Graf
I wonder if you could volunteer any spaces for them to use as a breakout session, like I would host some DnD games at my castle, etc.

Max Graf
Like, do it by different genres.

Will there be dice sellers?

Max Graf
: Cool. Maybe more people can offer overflow areas if they get overwhelmed?

Don't forget, VRazeTheBar is SL is just one part of the Gen Con Online experience this year

(although it is potentially the most social aspect)

Anne Cloud
Perhaps, but even the things you describe that are going on seem like they would beg for more space in some cases (performance-wise), and more concurrent attendance in others. There are inherent limits which I am not sure can be covered in a 4 region setup, no matter how creative with vertical space they try to be.

Max Graf
: I'd log back in to SL to play D&D in your castle!

Anne Cloud
- not disputing that. More a case that numbers have been somewhat factored in as a part of the overall event. I'll have more on this in the next article.