Vincent Gogh
Okay - today's goal is to draft 10's trial
Vincent Gogh
and hope that there will be enough Youtube links
Vincent Gogh
and figure out who should haunt The Doctor with guilt
Vincent Gogh
I don't want to go with the obvious of Rose :-P
Vincent Gogh
/eyes long list of Doctor companion list/
Vincent Gogh
atm mainly debating between Jamine (1st and 2nd Doctor companion) or Adric (4 and 5 Doctor companion)
Vincent Gogh
Jamine was made to forget by The Time Lords his time with The Doctor because The Time Lords found 2 guilty of breaking a Rule of Time
Vincent Gogh
and Adric sacrificed himself to save 5
Vincent Gogh
and yes; The Doctor can memory wipe too- but doesnt want too unless it's absolutely necessary
Vincent Gogh
which it was in the case of Donna; poor 10
Vincent Gogh
memory wiping and hypnosis are top on The Doctor's NOT TO DO list with his telekinesis
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
So Vira you were on the money about Hypnotism
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
someone can but chooses not too and in fact; The Master is the one who showed The Doctor how too when they were kids
Vincent Gogh
and he's called The Master for two reason to be Master over all and he is a Master Hypnostist
nods Figured based on previous material you've done
Vincent Gogh
Someone is so very good that they'll encode a hypnotic sound in your cell phone that you wont even notice- The Master that is
Vincent Gogh
but yeah; big No-no for The Doctor and would deny he has that ability :x
Vincent Gogh
and The Master from over the years - is a big reason 10 doesn't like brainwashing
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Telepathic tidbit :-)