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[retail/trump/idk] so like... there's a video of this woman who works at bath and body works and...
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a woman came in wearing a trump face mask and the employee got mad and started yelling at her and refused to let her shop
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so people are saying that it was discrimination but i've worked in retail for a long time and yeah... she's gonna get fired? of course the company is gonna side with the customer ....
living the dream
I see so many trump masks, i wish I could go off
but... professionalism
whatever, etc.
Frankly with as hard as it was to get them to even wear the damn things
I'd be happy to see them
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i'm not saying that its right with this attitude that these chains have and how you have to bend over backwards and let the customer walk all over you and you can still get fired, but --
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i've seen trump masks i've seen people with maga hats and gun shirts - probably not as many as some places but i've seen enough
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I'm so used to maga hats I think a trump mask would be a nice change of pace lmfao
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and you just kind of have to decide if saying something is worth losing your job over - to some, it probably is! but i do not want to do the job search thing again unless i have a fall back
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i see a lot of obama shirts and have even spied a biden or two
honestly, as disgusting as that is, if that's what it takes to get trumpers to wear a mask
wear the trump masks