Genus got another DMCA wtf

wtf just now O_o

that's nuts i was just sitting here in the chat group

i got up to help make the bed for the night and when i come back boom.. dcma


Yeah i'm shocked too. I hope they'll fix it soon and maybe discover WHO sent it

it makes no sense that they didn't know who filed the last one. if they push it on that stage, that's when you're supposed to get the info, not just "welp, who knows" bullshit.

maybe it's because they are international? I don't know but it's all real weird in general

: that should not make any difference for that part of it.

no idea then

that's the "file it with the courts, it's no longer in LL's hands" stage. so, uh, you have to know who you are going to court against.

I dunno how usually they take care of DMCAs, but sure it is very weird

DMCA is basically so LL can cover their ass, not for anyone else. it's so they can serve content and have no responsibility for its legality. when someone has a complaint, they file with LL, LL has to remove the content as notified unless the one served counter files (i.e. says "nope, they're wrong, it's mine"). step after that is the first person saying

"no, fuck you, it IS mine, pull that shit now, we're going to settle this in court" and then it goes outside of LL while that happens- with the content removed until it's settled.

first filing, you don't get to know who filed on you. it's only when you counter file and then actually take it to the actual real law that you find out (and of course there's the possibility of settling with arbitration, not an actual court case and judge ruling, and all that)

there's some time limit stuff in there, and maybe? with covid? one of the time limits ran out, but i still don't see how they wouldn't have found out who it was if they counter filed and the content was still pulled.

So basically Genus didn't counter file so they didn't know who filed the first one? Which, them not counter filing is odd in it's own. Wouldn't they WANT to counter file if they were sure of their product and it was financially beneficial for them to continue selling it?

(i do think it's very flawed with not telling you the initial filing, at least on the counter filing stage- as it's technically illegal to file a DMCA without cause)

ossiaxevion: they wouldn't have ever gotten it back, even briefly, if they didn't counter file, and they said they were going to the courts over it so....that assumes that they DID counter file

Something seems super odd and fishy about the whole fucking thing.

ossiaxevion: eeeeyup. very.

there was a rumor going around that they didn't pay their scripter, so the scripter filed on them (i.e. what killed ozimals). but that still doesn't explain a second filing, that's just super weird all around- getting it back assumed they had reached some settlement.

except they said they still didn't know who filed on them and that makes ZERO sense.

you don't find out if you don't fight it. you fight it, you find out.

their response when they came back was that there was no response to LL's documents or something like that.. LL waited the time limit they legally have to and then gave them the go ahead to set up

they didn't get to the appeal part of the show i think.. which is why they never knew.

this just kind of looks like someone doesn't like their popularity and is filing but not going through with the claim, just trying to tie things up

it's probably either a flake or a nuisance filing then. and the nuisance filing is why i object to the not getting the info back until step 3. if you counter file you should get the information on who filed against you, period.

i didn't think the time limit for that stage was that long though. maybe they are extending it due to covid right now.

yeah with all the courts closed it probably took more time than usual

here was the message in another of abby's plurks

it sure seemed like more than 10 days to me!

maybe it just seemed to drag on, but it felt like a lot more than two weeks, hahaha

it was more than 2 weeks because they announced closure in april!

but i think that might be a form letter template

given that LL was probably low on staff and then courts low on staff as well with all the covid stuff, which april was when things started to really come to a head in the US

i didn't think i'd lost track of time THAT much, hahaha

I have a feeling this is somone trying to attack them and hurt their buisness, I feel like even if the first strike was a vaild claim, they had plenty of time to at least get SOMTHING from their lawyers to show to LL,the fact they didnt makes it feel like a hit, and sadly rumors are just that. Hopefully this gets figured out faster if it was the same person

: so, they don't need to have their lawyers show LL anything. LL has nothing to do with deciding, like, literally they are not allowed to decide ANYTHING. they are not the arbiters of who did right and who did wrong, they have zero to do with that, they have no discretion at ALL.

the DMCA process says that LL is a host of content. LL does not create the content and is not responsibility for the content. if LL hosts content that they legally should not be hosting, tell them and they will see to its removal, so they have no responsibility for hosting illegitimate content

it's not "they decide if the content is illegitimate"- that's for the courts to decide and LL is 100% not involved in any of that so they don't have to pay for it. the process is "hey that stuff shouldn't be there! pull it!" -> "no, fuck you, that stuff should be there, leave it" -> "no, fuck YOU, i said you can't do that, it's time for the RL court"

unfortunately, the person filed on doesn't get to find out who did it until step three: when they've said it's legit AND when the person who originally filed says "nope. lawyers." so people can get away with "nuisance filing" for step 1, filing without cause. it's technically illegal BUT with the way the process is designed, and not by LL, by the actual

LAW, you don't get to find out (easily) to go after someone if they nuisance file on you, because you can also really go straight to suing THEM for filing on you without cause, IF you can find out who it is.

the whole DMCA law is kiiiinda shitty, and it's really there to protect content servers like LL (and google, and facebook, and twitter, etc) from having any responsibility for hosting and serving content that it legally problematic. it's not there for the creators of the content, it's so those creators can't sue SL or google or facebook for the IP theft.

: Oh, and to make it easier for big record labels and the like to go after indie artists, while making it much harder for indie artists to go after them...

pretty much ALL of the "copyright" law shit is skewed towards big business/away from the actual people who came up with the content in the first place.

it's all for the $$


: I think you misunderstood me. I meant they didnt tell LL anything about them trying to take genus to court over it, and so the dmca was dropped. If it was a vaild claim I feel they had plenty of time to say they wanted to take it to court etc, but they did not, so if its them again, then its most likely a false report.

I'm not looking to argue with anyone, it sucks , dont belive any rumors, and i hope it gets figured out quickly, thats about it.
