[scum villain] itp copypasting my liveblog of a chinese foxjiu fanfic because i am a master of unproductivity
a fic! in which jiu shoves binghe into the abyss and then accidentally falls in after him
this fic decided that the abyss has creepy twisted trees that are ugly like deep-sea fish
countless thorny blades, spinning whirlpools of wind, lava-encased ceaselessly-exploding boulders--they're having fun with descriptions
(its really good, friends)
i read a little more and there's paragraphs about how binghe resents his shizun and wants to get his revenge and how he still remembers the look on his face when he tossed him into the abyss
when is he gonna find fox shizun
I'm already interested.
part 1 from beginning to end is just binghe's feelings
i like this part near the end that says he'd hated ming fan and the others but he'd constantly been making up excuses for why shizun treated him the way he did
this says half of binghe is saying if he wants me to die then i'll grant his wish and die here, the other half is saying fight back, force him to look at you, force him to accept you, make him kneel before you, unable to ever again speak an unkind or rejecting word to you
and then a third tiny part of him says he's gotta make his way back and see if maybe, just maybe.....if there might be some other painful reason that shizun just won't discuss
copypasting means parts of this look like they're cut from conversations but that's because i'm easily distracted and not because i'm skipping anything
i like how apparently in the abyss things keep falling from the sky
lava, large rocks, sharp objects, dead/living creatures
binghe's thinking more depressing thoughts about how shizun thinks he's no different from these demonic beasts, etc etc oh look a small fluffy animal
a red fox!
staring at him in fear
oh apparently it's been following him since he first woke up down here
he's guessing it's somebody's pet fox that fell in with him
oh the giant spike-tailed monster corpse that fell from the sky earlier almost hit fox-chan
and that's why he bumped into binghe just now
the lesser of two evils(?)
binghe has been ignoring this fox because he's too busy going through his emo goth phase
he uses his broken sword to cut open his palm! and then yells at the fox to leave him alone!! the fox is shocked!!! judging by its reaction he's guessing it got the message
but then the fox gets angry and starts yapping at him
sadly foxes don't sound scary at all...whatsover
i'm glad the author mentions this
oh the fox yaps, seems to realize its yapping sounds ridiculous, shuts up, slaps a dirty paw on binghe's leg, then runs away
he ran off in the opposite direction! into the woods! binghe stands there silently for a moment like
there's a gigantic killer monster in those woods
and that fox is very small and cute and weak
gonna die
for sure
but what's the difference! between him and some weak spirit pet! in this abyss where literally everything is dangerous!
mope mope crawling in my skin etc
he's 17
aw binghe kept walking
goodbye fox....
part 3 is from jiu's point of view
...part 3 starts off with jiu Absolutely Hating this world because every time he does anything bad the world will punch him back 100-fold
when he discovered binghe was a demon three days ago, one possible choice he could make was to kill him and thus avoid getting accused of associating with demons in secretly harboring one on qingjing peak, or he could just toss him back into the demon realm to go back to wherever the heck he came from and they'll never see each other again
so without a second thought, he sheathed xiuya and shoved this kid off the cliff
and then it says "sorry, it's true that i'm not that kind of loving and forgiving shizun who gives his all to his disciples, but who let you be so unlucky as to run into me huh, just accept your own bad luck there"
narration: "he didn't bother considering the fact that this disciple was one he'd actively stolen out of liu qingge's hands, or that he was the first to ruin someone else's good luck, and now he had the gall to use luck as an excuse to wash his hands of it all"
then just as he was turning to leave a sudden force from who-knows-where wrapped itself around his waist and dragged him towards the abyss and then he tripped over one of the big rocks by the cliff and started tumbling down and down and down-
when he wakes up he's sitting surrounded by sharp rocks and there's a big round moon in the sky and there's some sort of bestial roars coming from the spooky woods and despite everything he's gone through in his life he has to admit this is pretty scary? so he summons xiuy
oh wait he's a fox
i'm still reading and i like jiu wondering if this is his punishment for calling binghe a beast one too many times
he's been deprived of family, of faith, of the chance to cultivate, so that he can never in his life ever reach the heights he could have
and now god has stripped him of even the qualifications to live the rest of his life in human form
opens up the fic again--"he lifted his squishy soft pawpads and took a few steps forward"
and now he's like this is nothing, he's survived all sorts of terrible despair-filled excruciating environments, he can handle this!!
it's just a bunch of brainless beasts, there's nothing to be afraid of!
he can totally find some way to kill them all and escape!
he's used to going around all by himself anyway, who cares if he'll never see that bunch of annoying noisy people back at cangqiong, he sure won't miss 'em!
this isn't actually written with exclamation marks, that's all me
and now he's thinking there'll probably be a good number of people who'll be happy at the news that the qingjing peak lord died at the tournament
he is also taking a large detour around the scary howling forest
it says he walks for a while (away from the howling) and sees countless different lava-filled scenic areas nobody's ever heard of in the human realm, and then goes back to where he started, and is like
maybe this is tougher than i thought
(where's the exit)
and then he steps on something alive
it says despite all his hot air earlier he knows perfectly well that he is a weak little creature not even a foot long without an ounce of spiritual energy and would die on the spot if he ran into any monsters
but to his surprise, whatever he stepped on does not immediately jump up and rip him to shreds and devour him
so he opens his eyes!
it's binghe
jiu just like
it says it's very difficult to describe how he feels right now about this kid he's spent so many years calling a little beast
he doesn't like binghe! and thinks it's very unfair that he didn't also get turned into a small animal!
but binghe is also a human being, and somebody he knows at that
i almost wrote human bing
did i edit this comment just to put a non-discord emote? yes
moving on
it says in this jungle of an abyss with danger spreading endlessly in every direction, when compared with all those beasts that know nothing but to roar and rip each other to shreds and eat the flesh of their enemies, he can't help feeling a sense of security and intimacy at the sight of binghe
(it's a cute emote)
especially considering he has no means of defending himself, and binghe is a human being who for the moment might be headed in the same direction as him
best choice would be to stick close
(the cutest!)
he suddenly remembers yingying shaking his arm and telling him over and over again that a-luo is a good person, he's very kind, he's just been framed by ming fan and the others, etc etc
he hopes, just a little, that what she said was true
after all, in his current form who's to say an unkind binghe might just skin and eat him
and then jiu suddenly realizes that maybe binghe's kindness isn't actually important, because in the entire time since he dropped him into the abyss this disciple of his hasn't moved an inch
did he die.....
it says in all fairness, although he doesn't want binghe to have an easy time of things, and purposely tripped him up a good few times, he never actually wanted the kid to die
so now foxjiu is lying on binghe, feeling as his body gets colder beneath him, and for a moment doesn't know whether to be happy at this extremely annoying heaven-blessed child's terrible fate or to bemoan the fact the only person capable of helping him is probably gonna get eaten by monsters any minute now, or to feel remorse...for having ruined his life
after a moment of silence he shuts his eyes and sticks his fluffy front paw under binghe's nose...oh good he's still breathing
queen (temp.)
Shen Jiu, please
opens up foxjiu again--i like that it says binghe appears to have fallen behind this very large rock which perfectly hides him from any potential predators and that's how he's been able to stay knocked out so long
truly a protag halo
oh there's a monster bone stuck in binghe, and jiu's worried if he lets it bleed out the smell will attract more monsters, so he...has to use his teeth to pull it out and oh gosh it smells so bad he's dying
and then he proceeds to somehow manage to wrap the injury with binghe's own ripped shirt, and then gather a bunch of dead branches and leaves to make a tiny shelter sort of thing
this took over two shichen because he's a fox
his gums are sore
using your mouth for everything sure is tough
it says binghe's got a lot more than just the one stab wound but y'know what, he doesn't care
what doesn't kill you won't make foxes worry
jiu took a moment to admire his own heroic deed
he feels very proud of himself
he thinks to himself "alright little beast, i've raised you almost ten years, and today i've done everything i possibly could to help you, so from tomorrow on it's your turn to repay my kindness"
he's being a good guy here
it says by the time binghe woke up on the third day jiu had already gotten used to this fuzzy-tailed body (the author really likes reminding you how fluffy soft he is)
as a fox he's doing great at avoiding any pitfalls and getting out of danger
a master of hiding in the woods
although if he was still a sword-wielding cultivator he wouldn't need to hide to begin with
there's always gotta be a downside, huh jiu
glass half empty
when binghe wakes up jiu rolls right off him because he'd been sleeping on top of him....nights in the abyss are very cold
apparently even with his fluffy fox body the bone-chilling cold and terrifying demonic energy coming at him from every direction were too much so he gave up on day one and started sleeping on binghe
binghe is very warm, it says
he's got that hot-blooded youthful energy, and demonic spiritual energy that's currently working actively to heal him, which means he's basically a living heater
binghe threw him off without thinking upon waking up and is now staring dazedly ahead while jiu glares angrily at him from where he'd rolled to a stop because hey he was sleeping!!
show some gratitude!!
binghe is ignoring him.....binghe pulled apart the grass pile jiu had put so much effort into building and is now walking away
jiu follows behind him thinking he was right all along, binghe is a self-centered shameless little brat
absolutely nothing like yingying said
he manages to toss a rock at binghe but gets no reaction
and then binghe kneels!
and picks up!
oh it's jiu's fan
the little beast sure has good vision, thinks jiu, who spent three days here without finding the thing
a single tear dramatically hits the ground and jiu is like !?
this tear is the straw that broke the camel's back, it says
after struggling to survive for three whole days in this horrendously terrifying place he has to admit that maybe dropping the little beast down here by himself might have been a little too cruel
binghe says "he wants me to die" and jiu's like
the look on binghe's face shows a level of despair he's never seen before!
also hate
he has no idea what kind of person binghe is and never bothered to find out
but binghe had always been pretty well-behaved around him, y'know, and he'd even noticed an irritating amount of respect and admiration
why did admiration annoy him? don't ask
anyway this is the first time he's ever seen binghe look so hateful
it says he knows binghe has a million reasons to hate him, and personally if someone threw him into this hell more terrifying than asura he'd absolutely hate them enough to rip them to pieces
but upon getting to actually straight-up see that level of hate he can't help feeling just a little bit uncomfortable
just a little
he'd originally been wavering over whether or not to let binghe know his true identity, because even if admitting that he - the genuine article xiuya sword - had turned into a totally helpless little beast was really incredibly embarrassing, in a scary place like this the deterrent force of his shizun status might be able to protect him
if things really got dangerous then he might as well say it, right....
except now things are uh
binghe's grip is practically about to break that fan in half
jiu goes around binghe and quietly nestles on the rock behind him
the name of this fic is "i have a little fox" which sounds a little cuter in chinese for no particular reason other than i think it does
i scrolled down to the comments and someone was like "what a cute little fox!! too bad bing-ge isn't in the mood to [i think this means pet probably]"
they also said imagine jiu nestling in binghe's arms and turning back and suddenly he's being princess carried! with fox ears and tail-
and the author was like yes good perfect bing-ge will seriously regret not petting him later
the fluffiest of foxes
finally scrolls down to the next update
i think jiu is running for his life
in the start of this
his fluffy white feet are bleeding from the sharp rocks in this unforgiving landscape
oohhhh wait i think this is timeline-wise going back to the beginning when awake binghe told the fox to get lost
jiu is running! to the monster roar-filled forest!
it says the discomfort he feels from running so hard over the rocky ground is nothing compared to his Anger and Embarrassment
he is cursing out binghe in his head
lots of curses
all the curses!!!
it says he'd done everything he could to take care of binghe while he lay unconscious for three straight days
binghe had almost died a good few times during that, it says
and then after he woke up jiu had even dropped his pride enough to follow the kid around
but ever since waking up all he got from binghe was indifference and a closed-off expression and eventually he gets yelled at to leave and y'know what
maybe he wasn't meant to be a good person
that's what this is telling him
it says in the decades he's been alive, if he did anything bad then he'd absolutely get paid back 100-fold, so that his situation would end up even worse than he was before
but if he shows benevolence and kind-heartedness then all he gets is verbal abuse
forget thanks, there isn't a single time he's ever done a good deed that didn't result in him getting misunderstood and insulted
admittedly liuliu didn't appreciate him either
being good sucks
so jiu as he's running is thinking to himself he should've just stabbed that little beast to death
next scene: he's run into the forest! deeper and deeper he goes!
it says he's focusing on nothing but cursing and hating and rejecting that little bit of grievance he refuses to admit he feels
i can never think of a good english phrase for 委屈
the dictionary says "to feel wronged" and yeah it's like, when your feelings are hurt?
his feelings are hurt
it says he doesn't even realize he's about to step into an incredibly dangerous area
his sense of direction has been impacted by the black sky, his body completely lacking any spiritual energy, and the complicated feelings exploding in his chest
but also even if he had a sense of direction it wouldn't be any use here
because no matter which corner of this dangerous world you walk to, all you'll find there is death
i hope binghe feels bad for chasing off that fox
the next part is him having a staring contest with a giant centipede with humongous red eyes
when crawling on the ground, this bug is about as tall as a human
there is green acid dripping from its open mouth
the description of the fox, meanwhile, is a cute and fragile stuffed doll
jiu stares at this giant centipede, centers his breathing, turns his gaze out behind the centipede
there's a lot more centipedes
he's accidentally run into a nest
there's a "heh" in the narration
luckily only the one has noticed him so far and it hasn't done anything but stare at him
it says he's killed a lot of demons and ghosts and the like in his time, but none have terrified or disgusted him so much as the creatures in the abyss
if he had xiuya with him right now! he'd kill every last one of these disgusting things!
it says "but the cultivation and spiritual energy he'd been so proud of that had been with him for so long, that he'd shed blood, sweat and tears to train for a majority of his life, after falling off the cliff and turning into a beast, had completely disappeared without a trace"
that sentence can be organized better but meh
"heaven just hates him that much"
jiu is angrily thinking this and also the fact that he's probably gonna get turned into food or - even worse - a toy
then the centipede lifts up its two barbed front legs and rubs them together, like a starving gourmand or innocent child looking forward to the delicious meal set out before them
jiu veeeeeeery slowly backs up a couple steps, then suddenly knocks the scattered rocks in front of him into the centipede's big round eyes and makes a break for it
the only sharp things he's got on him now are his claws and teeth, and his fuzzy soft paws probably wouldn't be able to pierce the thing's hide anyway
he's running at top speed but the centipede is faster than he expected
oh no it bit him
oh no it's a blood-sucking centipede
he fights off a wave of dizziness to struggle and break the spikes stabbed into his body, and squeezes himself into a crack in the nearby rocks
surely a bug that big can't get in here!
he hasn't eaten anything in three days and is exhausted it says
after getting his blood sucked and probably also injected with some poison or other he can barely keep himself awake
judging by the sounds outside he's guessing the whole nest has learned of his presence by now
if he doesn't escape now either he'll die squished in this hole or he'll get ripped to shreds and devoured by a pile of centipedes
he's managed to make it through all sorts of pain and suffering and humiliation in his life, he's gotta make it through this too!!
he bites his tongue to wake himself up and starts tottering farther into the cave
it's darker in here than it was outside and he has no idea where he's going...
he can hear the echoes of all sorts of sounds he can't for the life of him discern, all of which are stressing him out
it feels like there's countless inhuman hunters watching him from the darkness
....foxjiu! is focusing straight ahead and walking and walking and walking and walking and when his limbs have completely lost the energy to move and his fluffy short legs have turned into stiff, sore iron sticks covered in bubbles, he finally sees a light in the distance
it says if jiu still had the energy to think he'd know that suddenly revealing himself in the light would put him in even more danger than before
but he's too tired....and too desperate for that tiny bit of light reminiscent of the human world
three days ago already feels like a lifetime to him
back when he was human he used to hate the light and his foolish fellows, but now that tiny bit of warm yellow light makes him tremble with joy
that part about hating light could possibly have a double meaning? since it translates to "1. bright; well-lit, 2. bright; promising, 3. open-hearted; guileless"
anyway he sees that light and can't help thinking, maybe.....maybe if he walks out there, he'll have returned to the human realm?
so he grits his teeth and makes the leap out
only to discover this is a cliff
and the light was from lava down below
jiu turns around again
the centipedes he'd hoped to have shaken off by now have instead surrounded him
this entire mountain is apparently vampire centipede territory
they all lift their front legs in unison and rub them together, as if it's some sort of signal, or a song sung before the sacrifice
he has nowhere to run
at juedi gorge, binghe had been pushed back against the cliff by the suddenly intruding monsters, using his broken sword to support his bleeding body as he kneeled on the ground and begged jiu, only to have him push him down below
but now it's jiu's turn to get backed into a corner
he looks at all these absolutely vile monsters, all ready to drink his blood and devour his flesh and bone, and
steps back
and falls
part 8: something grabs his tail
a great start
jiu looks up to see a handsome teen with a red mark on his forehead
wow he released a burst of demonic energy and it sliced all the bugs in half
there's a huge white full moon hanging behind him
it says the moonlight is bright enough that the little fox can see every last detail of his face
jiu's heart skips a beat-
binghe's so powerful....even at a time like this, he still can't help envying binghe's natural-born strength
it says he'd been hiding for three days, constantly on the run, surrounded through what was clearly the will of the heavens, and had thought he was doomed for good
suddenly his feelings are hurt again
he doesn't want binghe to save him
honestly this could translate either to "i don't want you to save me" or "i don't need you to save me"
so jiu curls up aaaaaand bites binghe's hand
it says maybe he can't bite through those demons' thick hides, but surely he can injure this little beast's normal flesh body right?
jiu bites down hard! he can totally rip off a piece of meat if he tries!!
binghe does not let go
i guess this also means jiu gets demon blood in him today
binghe lifts jiu up by the tail and stuffs the whole fox in his shirt
now that jiu's no longer hanging upside-down he feels a little safer...he sticks his head out of binghe's shirt to discover that oh, not only did binghe not kill all the centipedes, there's even more showing up
there's more and more centipedes coming over, crawling over their comrades' dead bodies, the sounds of their pitterpattering feet making his skin crawl
there's too many!
even with binghe's surprisingly amazing talent, there's no way he can face off against a billion of these things!
binghe's sword is broken so he can't fight with that either
it says he used demonic energy to clear out a path and then made a run for it
pressed up against binghe's chest, all jiu can hear is the steady thrum of his heartbeat
why is this fic so cute
the moral of the story is fuzzy animals make everything better
anyway! binghe erects a barrier at the entrance to this cave he's stopped in, then summons a fire because he's not a non-magical fox
it's a small cave with only the one exit so they're safe for the moment
jiu is huddled in binghe's lap and shaking all over
it says that unlike the pain of getting beaten and whipped as a child, this pain drives straight down into his flesh, like his innards are being devoured, or like there's a hand reached in and messing with his heart with the intent to rip him apart from the inside
is this from the centipede poison
binghe's sitting cross-legged on the ground, not saying a word as he holds down jiu's neck and pulls the barb right out of his--it never said exactly where in his body this barb stabbed but anyway he pulled it out and the narration's like "couldn't you at least give a guy a warning first?"
jiu shudders from pain and lets out a tiny whine and almost bites binghe's hand again
now that he's no longer in immediate life-threatening danger, rather than feeling grateful for having been saved, he's starting to feel like all the horrible things that have happened to him these past few days should all be blamed on binghe
jiu moves his stiff, sore front paws, but before he can actually do any sort of revenge and vent out his frustration he suddenly realizes something's not right
binghe's burning up
he looks up and sees that binghe's leaning against the wall with his eyes shut tight and he can't tell if he's sleeping or fainted
binghe's skin is pallid, his lips are dry, the only bit of color in his face besides the scratches and blood is the wavering and increasingly brilliant little demon mark on his forehead
jiu is very sure this isn't a good sign
from the light binghe had just made, jiu can see that his entire right arm has rotted
one of those
it's bad
oh when he was fighting monsters at the tournament he'd gotten an injury that went straight down to the bone and he never got treatment for that because there's no doctors in the abyss
there's also a scratch from some creature or other on binghe's wrist that is still bleeding
and the place jiu bit earlier just happened to have been on that injury
so binghe's bleeding pretty badly here!
no wonder he's been using his left hand all this time, thinks jiu
jiu slides his gaze over to see what little he can manage of binghe's back--he's leaning with his side against the wall
and his back is covered all over in different-sized....syringe-like things, which i remember they used to describe something from the centipedes earlier
jiu feels a chill at this horrific sight but also yeah, there's no way binghe could've escaped so many bugs without a single injury
he'd been nestled in binghe's shirt that whole time and didn't hear him make a single sound of pain, so he'd honestly thought this heaven-blessed child really was just that lucky
binghe's mouth moves! it seems like he's saying something? jiu moves closer
binghe is mumbling in his sleep!
he said shizun
author's note: the map and monsters for the abyss are taken from elder scrolls online
scrolls past an update for an entirely different fic
...scrolls past multiple fic updates
this next chapter starts with a little fox scratching a tally on the wall like some sort of movie prisoner
he can't actually say for sure how many days have passed what with the lack of a proper night or day and the uncertainty of time and space around here but he's still making an educated guess
it's been ten days!
and binghe has been awake for a total of ten shichen overall
he's burning up!
the sweat and blood is making what's left of his raggedy clothes stick to his body
in his feverish sleep he sometimes calls out for his mother or makes noises like he's facing a monster but more often he calls for shizun-
flatly, excitedly, gently, relentlessly, expectantly, hopelessly, admiringly, hatefully, beseechingly...

it says jiu is trapped in this little cave with this never-ending call resonating in his ears, like a patient but stubborn monk nervously tapping a wooden fish right by his ear, incessantly inquiring, absolutely refusing to let him go
he's annoying
or annoyed?
he's annoyed
shut up
five days ago he'd found a tiny opening at the edge of the barrier because binghe was too weak to hold it up completely
so he'd squeezed out!
their little cave is halfway down the mountain, on a tiny, narrow stretch of grass
he's guessing the lack of monsters and bugs and things is because this is a very rocky cliff area
there's just a few stray grasses growing here
apparently it's the full moon all day and all night down here
there's a nice description of how the cold moonlight shining on the vegetation makes the grasses look like metal blades dancing in the wind
the little fox takes a water bottle that he'd dug out of binghe's qiankun pouch and stops in front of--some sort of tree maybe? with very large leaves
and starts shaking it with his paws!
to try to fill the bottle with dew because that's all the water available around here
it says ever since falling down here the only liquids he's ever seen are magma and blood
binghe's still out cold and he's afraid to go too far from him so every day when the temperature has just begun to rise he'll run out and shake all the nearby large plants
then when he's confirmed that there's not a drop left for him to shake down, he carefully laps up a few mouthfuls for himself because wow his throat sure is dry
oh his mouth is sore
from carrying stuff in his mouth so often
oh there's like, a leather clasp or something on this waterbottle
so for going back he uses that to carry the full bottle on his back
there's a line that's like "how great, this venerable one has already gotten completely used to this little beast's body"
he mocks himself in shame and anger at this tragic truth as he nimbly and expertly leaps into the grasses north of the cave
he's looking! for medicinal herbs!
once again he blames everything on binghe
i like that he calls binghe a little beast but he also calls himself a little beast
they're both little beasts
anyway today binghe's problem is that the only things in his inventory are his broken sword, the water bottle, two and a half hotcakes and a folding fan
and the fan is jiu's of course
who could believe that there'd be such a fool in this world brave enough to participate in the immortal alliance conference empty-handed and totally alone?
considering getting on the board at the tournament allows nameless unknown cultivators to display their talent, dazzle the entirety of the cultivation world, and even raise the power and status of whichever sect they represent, the participants all spare no effort on preparation and leave no loose ends
each sect has a limit to how many disciples they can send, and those disciples have to first go through many levels of selection before getting the go-ahead
so most of the kids who get chosen are naturally the ones with the most talent, the teachers' pets that have been trained with utmost care
when they arrive they're totally covered in spiritual tools, their pouches full of medicines and spell seals
jiu even saw an idiot who participated riding a 6 meter tall polar bear
of course that idiot came from huanhua
but binghe only brought himself
so jiu's mentally cursing him out like umm there's this phrase that translates to "boldness of execution stems from superb skill"
you sure are that, binghe!
must be real confident!
i like how when you read fics with jiu in them some people have him actively harrassing binghe, a lot of english writers try to excuse his actions because of course they do, then there's this one going "no he just straight-up neglected him"
actually the funny thing is in the beginning part where you got to see binghe's hot topic whining he was blaming jiu as actively participating in the harassment and it was definitely jiu who gave him that faulty manual
which according to this writer didn't threaten to kill him so much as just prevent him from ever progressing
the little fox stops and tries biting a new plant, which the writer describes as long and thin and sawtooth-shaped
it says trying to find familiar and useful plants in a place like this where literally nothing is familiar is
not easy!
luckily jiu read his fill of scriptures as a disciple and then got access to cangqiong mountain's 1 library after becoming peak lord
so his knowledge of herbs and plants and medicines could rival mumu
this grass he's picking now is apparently about as common as weeds back in the human realm, and about as valuable
but at the very least it has a tiny bit of healing properties
so i guess this is like newbie level healing herbs in a video game
thanks airplane
so he can use these herbs! to make sure binghe doesn't die of blood loss!
he picks a few and heads back
oh binghe's arm looks disgusting
ew they described it
jiu's sitting here thinking are there really no convenient tools around anywhere
he kinda half-spaces out for a good long while before finally sucking in a deep breath, doing a cute little stomp with his feet, quickly cleans his claws on his fur, and then starts carving the rotting flesh off binghe's arm
chews up some herbs, spreads them over the injury
tastes terrible
the little fox sticks out his tongue and Leaps! far away
those herbs taste Absolutely Disgusting
they're giving him goosebumps
oh his fur all stuck up
he spins around a couple times all poofed out like that and then realizes binghe's awake
there's a big white space in here and then a bunch of dots and then jiu shakes his fur and nobly and elegantly sits down in a very proper manner
you saw nothing
binghe doesn't react though...not only does he not show any sign of feeling the intense pain of his injury and the earlier treatment of it but he's also basically ignoring the cute fox that was just spinning in circle and then pretending like nothing happened
he uses his broken sword to push himself up and hobble out of the cave, looking like he might fall over at any minute
his dark eyes staring steadfastly forwards are like a tenacious lone wolf waiting in the shadows for its prey, but also like a dispirited traveler with nowhere to go and no home to return to
aaaand now he's spitting out blood
coughing it up
the noise he's making is like a falling-apart bellows on its last legs
and then he collapses!
things are looking great in this fic
oh binghe didn't quite make it out of the cave
and then the little fox jumps forward to block the entrance and stop him from totally murdering himself because jiu worked very hard here!!!
don't ruin it!!!
oh jiu only just now realized why binghe's injuries are so bad
it's not that he couldn't avoid all the attacks and dangers that came at him, it's that he didn't even bother to dodge
when binghe first woke up down below the cliff he'd just walked straight ahead without paying attention to where he was going, headed who-knows-where, seemingly not even noticing the broken limbs and flaming rocks falling around him
and now, having just woken up, unable even to stand properly, the first thing he did was try to throw himself out there to die
so binghe's lying here, quietly looking at the little fox stubbornly staring at him with eyes that are practically blazing
wipes the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand
"i didn't ask you to save me"
he is described as having flecks of blood on his teeth which, in the pale light of the setting moon, make him look like a monster who's just finished eating a child
there's another saying here that translates to "take an honest man's heart for a donkey's liver and lungs"
totally just stomping on jiu's goodwill here
jiu has been holding back his temper for over a week and this is the final straw
if it weren't for the fact he can't talk he'd be cursing him out so bad right now
"who're you putting on this act for, of abandoning yourself to despair and begging wholeheartedly for death? aren't you supposed to hate me, then pull yourself out of this damn place and come get your revenge on me"
foxjiu picks his fan up off the ground and tosses it at binghe's feet like "pick up your ambition, you little beast"
binghe stands there quietly for a while, then changes direction and starts wobbling in jiu's direction
jiu is like !?
it says jiu was acting very bossy just now but if he actually managed to irritate binghe there's no way he could fight back
he quietly backs away, thinking you little brat, you better not actually be thinking of taking advantage of this fox's difficulties to cook and eat me
"taking advantage of a person's difficulties" is an idiom
binghe bends down and picks up the fan, brushing off the dirt and blood with something approaching gentleness, then reaches over and scoops up the fox
they both stare at each other
if he wasn't around, this little fox would die
in the 10+ years that binghe's been alive it's a very rare thing for him to have been rescued by a creature who at the same time relies on him to this extent
he's a kid who was abandoned by his parents in an icy river in the middle of winter
whenever people said his name, there was a little voice reminding him that he was something that had been abandoned
the only person who'd ever chosen not to abandon him was his adopted mother, who washed other people's clothes for a living
and his adopted mother had died because of her efforts to buy that fake jade for him
aside from the occasional girls who approached for his good looks, there wasn't a single person who'd ever accepted or even taken notice of him
jiu, whose opinion he cared so much about, didn't even seem to see him
after chasing off the fox in chapter one he'd walked a little ways before suddenly noticing the strip of cloth wrapped around his abdomen and realizing it must have saved his life
this was the first time he'd ever been rescued by another living creature, so he turned back and pulled that fox out just as it was falling into another abyss
while he was passed out in the cave he'd also had a dream about jiu
he'd dreamed that jiu was feeding him water and pulling the barbs out of his back and spreading medicinal herbs on his injuries
having only recently broken the seal on his demon mark, he felt as if he was getting drawn and quartered by hate and desire, any struggle or persistence was just too painful, painful to the point that he had countless times wanted to just give up on the spot
but in his absent-minded daze it seemed like he really could sense jiu's chilly yet warm scent, and so had struggled once more into wakefulness in hopes of seeing his shizun one more time
but there was no jiu
just a very ornery fox
binghe kneels down on the ground, holding that folding fan, a fluffy red fox in his arms, and buries his face in its fur
jiu freezes up
he can feel a shuddering hot wet something soaking through his fluffy fur, dripping down little by little, and getting his skin wet
binghe's crying again....
end of 3
i like this interpretation of jiu as having basically completely ignored him before
too caught up in his own self-absorbed miseries to pay attention
jiu is a very capable person who can do teamwork just fine when he has to, he just isn't good at recognizing anyone as a friend or ally or anything else worthy of paying attention to for any reason other than threat level
next chapter
monster meat is so disgusting that jiu wants to throw up all his organs to get rid of the taste (jiu stop being a drama queen)
and then there's a flashback to three years ago, where on the way to somewhere for training yingying demanded they take a break and then immediately latched onto binghe, which made ming fan jealous, so he ordered binghe to chop firewood and catch and cook fish for everyone
i feel like this flashback is from the skinner incident, binghe's horseless
binghe's disciple clothes have patches on them, his shoes have been worn through, there's bits of blood on the toes
when ming fan gives the order he looks over at jiu, who's standing by the riverside and showing no intention of stepping in
maybe because he's favoured by the gods, even in this sad and dusty shape he still stands tall and straight and bright as he gets to fishing, looking abominably attractive
jiu hates it
ming fan's such a jerk in this flashback
he and his toadies are making fun of binghe while he cooks this fresh-caught fish, saying all he's good for is serving people and he sucks at cultivation and should quit before he shames his parents
though they go quiet when they smell the fish cooking....
jiu meanwhile is sitting with his eyes closed and doesn't look up until binghe calls
binghe places an absolutely delicious-looking fish before him, and after a moment of silence jiu tells him to take it away with a voice of disgust
back to the present, foxjiu swallows these cooked pieces of hard and sour monster flesh, the image of that fish floating up into his mind, and regrets not eating it back then
after binghe hugged his fox and had a good cry he finally regained the will to live and stopped trying to get himself killed
it says the only thing available to eat in the area was vampire centipede so binghe hunted one and tried to cook it
but his first attempt was a failure
maybe because of the lack of seasonings, or maybe because his injuries made it difficult to control his strength, but it came out half-burned, half-raw
and then binghe ate it anyway
tiny foxjiu is watching binghe eat tasty-smelling cooked(?) meat and his stomach is growling for the first time in years
binghe is devalued by everyone around him but at the very least he's getting experience certain other people aren't
aw it says jiu's disciple is a very smart and highly talented individual
his second attempt was absolutely perfect
delicious meat
jiu can't help wagging his fluffy tail
the author really can't help adding these fluffy descriptors whenever they can
fluff is good civilization
the meat gets held out in front of him and he immediately takes a huge unguarded bite
and then spits it out
and swears
he's never tasted anything so disgusting in his life
even the most rotten food he ever managed to beg as a child on the streets was a delicacy compared to this
but binghe then eats the rest without a single change in expression
jiu wonders if something's wrong with his sense of taste
for a moment he seriously considers the possibility that binghe knows his true identity and is disgusting him on purpose
foxjiu gags some more, as if trying to throw up all his stomach juices, then turns around with his tail all puffed out to bother binghe in revenge(?)
but binghe has already curled up by the wall and fallen asleep
the light of the big round moon shines down through the trees onto his pale face
the little fox stands next to him for a while, and ultimately does not scratch him awake
after thinking for a moment, he turns around and kicks that now-cold piece of meat off to a corner, like he's venting
an honest man does not accept handouts
this venerable one would rather starve to death than eat something so disgusting
the next day jiu is so weak from hunger that he barely has the energy to open his eyes
he looks dazedly out at the blurry cave entrance and thinks, if i die i die, maybe i'll get reborn back at qingjing peak
but before he can escape his mortal shell and return to the cycle of rebirth, something hard gets dropped in front of him
he looks down to see that it's a hotcake
the sad thing is, it's the Last hotcake
he thinks to himself, once he eats this cake, he and binghe won't get another chance to taste food from the human world for a very long time
the tiny fox blinks, pushes himself up in a sitting position, and takes a tiny bite
this cake has been sitting for a while and is now as hard as a rock
he breaks that bite apart with his sharp back teeth, swallows it into his empty stomach, and feels tears pricking at his eyes
this cheap cereal cake without an ounce of grease to it tastes to him like the most delicious thing he's ever eaten in his life
he eats a little over half the cake before he's full, and he no longer feels wobbly on his feet
there's still a small half left
he doesn't want to admit he's having trouble with the idea of giving up a cheap cereal pancake
jiu stares at it for a little while, then picks it up, hops over to binghe's side, and tilts his head toward him
for you
binghe goes silent for a bit as he watches jiu turn away again, purses his lips, and says thank you
i should stop here but the next scene starts with jiu being held upside down by his tail and feeling queasy because he'd just forced himself to swallow bug meat today and baring his teeth at binghe
who ignores him
oh no the lack of response made jiu droop in defeat
he uses his front claws to grab at binghe's shirt and tug it open and then crawls in and makes himself comfortable
this is routine by now
and then he lifts his soft fuzzy head to try to read binghe's face
binghe's recovered enough by this point that they've started traveling
the scenery keeps changing, they've reached an area jiu's never seen before
yeah he's a very small fox
like vulpix
it says binghe seems like a very goal-oriented person, both cautious and fast, but not once does he bother telling the fox what this goal of his is or where they're going
wandering this freakish wasteland as a lone fox all by himself without even a single normal bird in the area for so many days had almost driven him to insanity-
...jiu has nothing to do and no way to pass the time besides binghe-watching.....sad
jiu thinks binghe's way too stuffy
back in the day he just thought binghe was an eyesore, but he never realized the little beast was an introverted and forbearing person who doesn't make a single sound no matter how badly he gets hurt
binghe makes no sound when he's in pain, stays silent when he's crying, acts like absolutely nothing is wrong no matter how bad the injury or how gross the food
"this venerable one doesn't speak because i'm unable to but what, did you lose your ability to speak and turn into a mute as well?"
he looks up at binghe foreeeeever to the point his neck is getting sore, but doesn't see the slightest change to his facial expression
i find it funny how this writer has jiu mentally refer to himself as this venerable one and there was another fic writer who had him call himself using the same kind of word gangsters and ruffians use
i'm the boss
sort of feel
don't look down on me
i'm translating 本尊 as "this venerable one" but if i remember right you can also use it to refer to others, in which case it means "the man himself"
it's him!
the guy!
preview for next episode: jiu realizes binghe has grown into an adult while he was busy neglecting him
a not-so-little beast
okay i gotta go to bed (and read more foxjiu) so more copypastes will happen tomorrow i guess
(sleep well!!!)
spams whimsea with fluff from bed
good i love bed fluff
Foxjui and emo goth Binghe, what could go wrong?
comes back with more foxjiu
surely the fluff will cleanse him of his emo
okay so yesterday jiu was riding in binghe's shirt and thinking about how quiet and expressionless he is
what a weirdo
then suddenly he's pulled out and dropped from his shirt taxi
jiu's eyes widen in disbelief and he's all ready to forget all appearances and curse out binghe when suddenly he realizes he's standing...in fresh water
jiu shakes himself and then dives in, rolling around in the water like yaaaaay
it says all those years keeping up the act of a cool and elegant gentleman has given him a serious case of mysophobia--is that the right word
anyway he can't stand being dirty
this past stretch living with the sky for a roof and the dirt for a bed has left him incredibly dirty, his fur matted with dust and bits of blood, all he's missing is lice and he might as well die
every day he was stuck with this all-encompassing stench, constantly repeating to himself that the dirty one is the fox, not me
trying to dissociate i see
so yes, jiu is very much enjoying the water
binghe also jumps in
he's naked!
that's valid, jiu's not wearing clothes either
there's a short bit about jiu looking at binghe and oh look his chest is out, his muscles are out, the water barely covers his lower abdomen
jiu backs away a few steps
i like that binghe's naked chest is described as pallid yet powerful
there's no sun down here
the layers upon layers of seriously deep injuries are already mostly healed, demons sure have it good
there isn't the slightest hint of any lasting scars except for the sword wound jiu gave him when pushing him down because we're going with that scenario
if jiu hadn't personally seen that period of time where he was wavering on the brink of life and death he might seriously have thought binghe had got off scot-free in his adventures in the demon realm
binghe's already put up a barrier and is soaking totally naked in the clear river water
for the first time in this journey, his facial expression relaxes a little bit
there's another description of binghe's ethereal beauty in the light of the moon (it doesn't actually call him that) and jiu suddenly realizes
that powerless little child who'd once followed behind him has already grown into a powerful, fierce, fully mature adult
binghe then opens his eyes and
suddenly grabs jiu's back legs and drags the fox toward him
before jiu can react he feels binghe pushing his legs open!! jiu immediately lets out an awoo and starts struggling like crazy
traitorous disciple!!
binghe tells him to stop fussing
so jiu's stuck spreadeagled and binghe places a hand on his underbelly and
starts sending him spiritual energy
oh it's the injury he got from scraping against sharp rocks when he was escaping vampire centipedes
and now it's healed!
then it switches to binghe's point of view
he's looking down at the little fox's big round black eyes
it says since falling into the abyss, no matter how hard he tries he can't stop remembering the cold and indifferent look on jiu's face when he tossed him into the abyss
there hasn't been a single moment where he was able to put aside his pain and questions and hate to think about something less heavy
but maybe he's been moved by the fox's chilly, reserved haughtiness and embarrassed resentfulness, because for a moment he actually wants to tease it and see how it reacts when it's angry
binghe curves his lips slightly upwards, glances down at the fox's furry white underbelly, and says in a purposely drawn-out voice: "male, huh?"
the fox is dumbstruck for a second, big round eyes somehow widening even bigger than before