potato boyo
deflated. but in a good way.
potato boyo
I have so many questions but I am afraid to ask lol
Sometimes Bacon
how did the appointment go
potato boyo
The procedure was a success
Ah your uh, name is on that
potato boyo
https://images.plurk.com/6knkg7peOGba7ZmngQWCZk.jpg before
https://images.plurk.com/7oI6vmnNXSigBwMvwayoTx.jpg after
potato boyo
Cult~Storm : thanks :-))
potato boyo
sorry there's still a needle in the second pic
What did you have done? It looks like they took out a lot of fluid?
potato boyo : No problem. I kinda notice that stuff due to my job
potato boyo
yeah, from my knee
potato boyo
I didn't have any major accident or trauma event, but I might have upset something. the other option is that it's an A.S. induced fuckery. either way they drained it and tossed in some cortisone.
potato boyo
and sent the knee milk to the lab
Fun times. Glad it helped! That’s a lot to have floating around
potato boyo
(I have a picture of the full syringe but I'm not that mean)
Glad to hear you’re the good kind of deflated
Sometimes Bacon
potato out here making the operation game a reality
Sometimes Bacon
glad there was no buzzer
Haha none of that bothers me but yeah others might not like it. I watch surgeries for work soooo
feeling okay?
Pam Spam
I didnt know potatoes had knees
Pam Spam
Mostly Phen
There is totally a FISH in that before picture! see the two yellow eyes? and the red lips? Swimming to the right!
potato boyo
Mostly Phen : since you saw it first, you get to name it
potato boyo
Pam Spam : I have all sorts of things
Mostly Phen
Clearly it should be named Mr. Potatoknee
Not like a Patriots' football. This is okay.
Dakota Revolver
Knee milking. Glad the doctors could do something for you. Hopefully they get results with something they can treat.
Pam Spam
potato boyo : all kinds of joints? :-D
I've been on plurk too long. I can see the fish.
potato boyo
I feel bad even saying anything
potato boyo
he's only in the before picture :-(
he's probably a Babel fish and made his way to your brain. don't be afraid
potato boyo
oh phew