Reserves are slated to open on July 4th! Also, any questions related to the game can be directed at our Extended FAQ!
es un elote
got here from rpanons and this looks neat! I need to think about it BUT
we would love to have you, of course!
and if there's anything we can do to sway your opinion to apping /hint hint
/slides a five dollar bill over???
more seriously, thank you for your interest! If there's anything you are uncertain of please let us know and we'll do our best to help!
es un elote
It’s mostly lack of time that’s leaving me a little uncertain but I am thinking about shuffling some things around anyway
ah, lack of time. The enemy of all RPers.
also thank you for the replurk!
es un elote
es un elote
I plurked about it when I first saw it and some of my friends seemed interested so I might as well replurk the mod account!!
also I wanted to note that even if you don't have the time to app this round there's always the next round. Regardless of how many or how little apps we get this round we're committed to getting this game off the ground regardless
...partly because we've sunk so much time into setting it up
but either way, we're committed! And we're excited to hear people are interested!
es un elote
It’s neat!!!
For me the only thing that makes me a little on the fence is that AC feels a bit high, but I do love the concept a whole lot!
which is a reasonable concern, especially if we end up with a lower turn out for initial rounds and 2020 continues being...well. /getsures vaguely
we will have to discuss the AC requirements altogether first but I could bring it up for discussion!
: is it both AC options that is a concern or is it one of them?
Both of them a bit. Mostly it's the 20 comments with a minimum of 2 threads. In general I have found, at least personally, when AC is less I am able to branch out more. Though I also understand not wanting something easy to squat with.
✶ 𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨!
andrusi ANDY LOOK
Holy shit?!
: when we discussed it earlier we came to the conclusion that squatters will squat whether the AC is high or not. We also understand this concern. After all, it's much easier to have fun when it feels like there's less pressure. I'm sure this is true for many people! We can probably halve the AC on both the requirements
making it ten threads across two threads minimum and a post +5. I can make it official after breakfast
That sounds much easier to work with.
glad to hear it!