[This Week in Awesome]
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it's always been a thiiiiing
Better late than never. I was out and about all day Sunday and sick on Sunday night through last night, so I'm just gonna start with today, sorry.
I'm feeling so much better! Small favors.
It looks like I didn't miss much at work, thankfully.
I'm in a good mood today even though I didn't sleep super well.
Halfway through the week came fast after being sick on Monday, go figure.
I'm almost finished with the book I'm reading which is nice since there's like four more that I want to finish that I've already started so...yanno. lol
I have a lot of awesome tags and I really think maybe today is the day my brain agrees to let me finally hit them back. Fingers crossed!
oooo what book are you reading? (and I'm glad you're not feeling sick anymore)
Right now, the audiobook I've been listening to (that I'm nearly finished with) is Dexter is Delicious which is the fifth book in the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay.
I'm also currently at various states of progress in reading:
Void Where Prohibited: Rest Breaks and the Right to Urinate on Company Time, You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters, Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men, and I found a free copy of John Bolton's new book
that fucker isn't getting a dime from me, but I want the spilled tea, so this works for me lol.
I'd love to do a book club, someday, but like for non-fiction reads. I feel like all the book clubs I've seen around are all fictional books which is fine and everything, but that's not what I've been all that into lately (note only one of the books I'm reading is fictional lol) and I'd love to be able to discuss my non-fiction stuff with people.
Just started two awesome new PSLs that I'm officially already obsessed with and cannot wait to delve into with a couple of my lesser-played characters.
I slept like garbage last night but Vyvanse to the rescue, I'm still totally alert somehow.
I think I might actually do some spring cleaning this weekend since I didn't get to the other weekend when I'd wanted to originally. Yesterday, I cleaned out my drawers and filled a garbage bag with donations for my aunt to give to someone local who can't afford new clothes but can't shop at the local thrift shops bc they're closed.
That seems like a good start, in addition to me having actually cleaned out my pantry when I had originally wanted to do the spring cleaning (super late but whatever). I think this weekend, I'll tackle all the shit on the shelves in my walk-in closet and laundry room, my medicine cabinet, and tbh, my browser bookmarks and plurk friends list cuz I...
haven't touched most of these bookmarks in years and I don't even know who half of the people on my plurk friends are at this point which is kinda fucked up since I only have like 50 people. I think that's a sign lmao
I'm puppy-sitting this weekend and I could def use the puppy snuggles cuz it's been a fuckin' rough week so far, kicking off with a big ol' sick day fail in the wee small hours of Sunday morning so yeah. I could use the pickmeup.
Woke up to so many awesome tags to my favorite PSLs!
Really excited about this Discord book club! I've always wanted to join a book club but they're never reading anything I'm interested in reading, so I'm so pumped to finally get to do one!
Obligatory IT'S FRIDAY!
My brother is coming over in about half an hour to install my Magic Mesh and I'm stupidly excited about it bc Thor already knows how to go in and out and it'll be nice for him to be able to go out on the balcony when I'm working if he wants to (plus it'll be awesome not to have to open/close the screen door a hundred times for him when I'm out there)
Thor let me sleep in really late and it felt amazing to wake up by myself without a doggo in my face
I had the best breakfast thanks to a combination of cooking and DoorDash (look, I can't enjoy Wegman's Lime Chipotle Chicken Sausage and grapefruit if I don't have Miss Shirley's grits, okay? Sue me.)
My new Vanya blend of tea came in and I'm in the process of tasting and taking notes so that I can FINALLY do a public release for my Umbrella Academy Signature Blends from Adagio.
Started my reading for the book club (haven't gotten very far yet but I started)
Finished my laundry, changed my sheets, cleaned out my medicine cabinet of expired meds, dropped a couple of characters from and apped in a new one, processed adds and drops, and am finally ready to hit up my inbox.
So I'm feeling pretty effing accomplished right about now
oh also
My brother installed my Magic Mesh yesterday on the sliding glass door, so Thor has been loving being able to go in and out onto the balcony to lay on the loveseat and watch the neighbors/just generally be outside even though his mama's a homebody and it makes me feel like a really good doggy mama. Who knew $25 could bring my dog such joy?
Officially have finished everything I REALLY wanted to get done today, now. Go me!