princess connect re dive!
It's ep 12 and it just tackled Pecorine's problems
xyph : it finally brings back the largely ignored fact that she's the princess of landosol. her character development kinda felt rushed on this one. (thinking)
Not sure what made you think her char development is rushed, it hasn't even settled yet. Even now nobody knew she's a Princess and we don't know why she abandoned her duty and taking a looong food trip.
Chiya kinda feels the last episode is gonna focus more on yuuki's memories rather than on pecorine and her being royalty. i guess they could do both for the final episode since it could be connected somehow. (thinking)
i wonder why nobody knows she's the princess though. (aha)
Wherever Yuuki currently is, he's probably going to find out about Pecorine + her issues. Somehow nobody knew what the princess of Landosol looked like and Pecorine probably has a reason for not revealing it.

Also this isn't the end of the story as the main antagonist (Kaiser) is still at large and Kyaru hasn't signed her resignation papers yet.
^hmm...good point there. this is just a minor minion of the big bad so it's not over by a long run. season two please already!
Yes we need S2 indeed! We have yet to know about those vague things Ames said to Yuuki.