duck bastard
[spider tales, no pictures]
duck bastard
so before i leave work, i go to use the bathroom, because it's an hour drive and something about carpool's truck does something to my bladder
duck bastard
i go in, sit down, look down....
duck bastard
there is. a tiny little flower spider. on my sleeve.
duck bastard
you know those pale colorful spiders? it was one of them
duck bastard
and i'm just
duck bastard
"ffffffffffffuck how am i going to use the bathroom like this"
duck bastard
(the answer is: i don't. spider friend does not allow me to go.)
duck bastard
eventually, practically juggling this spider between my hands, i somehow manage to get my pants up, somehow get out the door while multiple times guiding spider drop from hand to hand, and get outside
duck bastard
but i really would have appreciated myself if i'd noticed spider somehow on my sleeve beforehand
duck bastard
i don't know how they got there???? i've been in an office all day?????
spider friend "yes hello human, i'm lost, how do i get outside, help :c"
Spider friend: You are going a good job. I am cheering you on
just googled flower spider and
duck bastard
yeah, this one kept whirling around and making little displays with their front legs
You really had a wildlife day