Luke Skywanker
[not dating adventures] So today I got an intro from a man whose profile requests that we smash the patriarchy through him.

But I also got a sweet message from someone I know through theater, hahaha.
Luke Skywanker
There's also a message from someone with a sailboat... hmmm
juliette lives
smash the patriarchy through him? I mean, okay, if that's what you're into... sounds painful...
Bring a hammer!
Luke Skywanker
juliette lives : yeah he's like looking for women to ah, show him what's what
Somehow reminds me of this gem from the early years of eBay eBay item 1641798199 (Ends Sep-30-01 14:06:38 PDT ) ...
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I found it again for posterity
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
it's delightful
It would be rude to deny it to him.
Luke Skywanker
Soooo not my scene
Luke Skywanker
I wish him luck
You know, in a way, ignoring him is the best domme move that you could pull.
Luke Skywanker