【教局再出信逼學校唱好惡法 斥政治入侵校園卻自打嘴巴】
【港版國安法】楊潤雄再出信逼學校唱好惡法 禁拉人鏈貼文宣違者紀律處分
【香島中學要求老師政治表態 屈「高調」談政治拒續約】
【抗暴之戰】疑因無阻止學生演奏《榮光》 香島教師被清算不獲續約
【警組「香港國保」秘密執法 李家超指美台勢力介入港抗爭】
【港版國安法】警組「香港國保」秘密執法 李家超指美台勢力介入港抗爭
I am OK if students are to learn about the difficult geographic attributes of the country which can be summarized as inadequate food yield on average but supportive of population bloom.
Political agenda is dangerous to teach, especially if there is only one version. Bias cannot be avoided so the best is to let everyone have their own direction of bias
Clashing is actually healthy because we learn to be humble in the long run.