Cute Quinn
[DD] The Drowned Crew seems kind of... I dunno, unkillable?
Cute Quinn
It summons a guy with massive dodge or proc every turn who immediately gives my front guy a status that makes the boss heal 32 health per round
Cute Quinn
how the fuck do I fight that
Cute Quinn
it's just sitting comfortably at max health at the end of every turn
Cute Quinn
it takes me like three turns to kill one anchorman and it takes it half a turn to summon it back and as long as it's up not only is the boss unkillable but all previous damage to it is IMMEDIATELY undone
Cute Quinn
and then my vestal hit deaths bloor and got bleed at the same time and died instantly
Cute Quinn
fuck this fucking impossible fight
Cute Quinn
oh and if I run away then my man at arms will die because he's immobilized
Cute Quinn
am I about to lose my entire best team
Cute Quinn
okay made it out with only one death
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jesus CHRIST
Cute Quinn
I have no idea how to fight that boss
Cute Quinn
and I get home only to IMMEDIATELY face a Vvulf attack
Cute Quinn
Gillain has an untenable new negative condition, a new disease, AND 90 stress, so I guess I don't have an arbalest for the next week
Cute Quinn
oh and I lost all my healing buff trinkets
Princess Emily
this game seems uhhh brutal
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn holy christ
Cute Quinn
all four party members saw death's door
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but Vvulf is fucking dead
Cute Quinn
OK what I need for the Drowned Crew is a melee-oriented party
Cute Quinn
I couldn't kill the Anchormen because half my DPS was from Snipe
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Cute Quinn
a Highwayman would be good, for Point Blank Shot
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hellion or leper for frontline
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houndmaster, perhaps? they can do frontline damage from back rows
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dunno what bleed resist looks like on the boss
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Cute Quinn
so not houndmaster
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but Blight resist is only 65%
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maybe a plague doctor? who else has good blight damage
Cute Quinn
...actually the party I'm using RIGHT NOW could be good for it
Cute Quinn
Leper, Highwayman, Grave Robber, Vestal
FYI, the darkest dungeon wiki page for each boss has a pretty good strategy section detailing good parties for fighting that boss
Cute Quinn
I wanna see if I can figure it out on my own first
Sure, just...that's a really good resource that's there if you get genuinely stuck.
Cute Quinn
I'm running low on shit to spend gold on
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good heroes all maxed guild/blacksmith upgrades
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into fighting the fucking anchormen
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and the boss is still permanently at 100% health
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this is impossible
Cute Quinn
I killed it and got ONE ATTACK in before it got re-summoned
Cute Quinn
I could empty the store of bandages and it wouldn't be enough because he's inflicting massive bleed every fucking turn
Cute Quinn
why... is the anchorman suddenly healed back to full HP
Cute Quinn
I did it 10 damage and it's back at full later in the same round
Cute Quinn
this fight makes no fucking sense and I hate it
Cute Quinn
"bring a powerful frontliner so that he can tank the anchors" every single turn he's dragged my vestal to the front of formation so that she can't heal
Cute Quinn
and by the time I get her back we're all almost dead again
Cute Quinn
apparently lepers can only self-heal in the front two positions for some nonsensical reason
Cute Quinn
this is a nightmare
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and I'm in hell
Cute Quinn
oh look the boss is recovering 30 HP per turn again
Cute Quinn
highwayman is useless because when he gets locked in the front he can't attack the boss
Cute Quinn
I can't keep my leper in the front two slots for half a turn so he's ALSO useless
Cute Quinn
healer keeps getting dragged to the front so she's useless
Cute Quinn
my entire team is useless
Cute Quinn
and now my grave robber is locked in the one position where she can't blight the boss
Cute Quinn
this is the worst thing in the entire game
Cute Quinn
and then I got one bad turn and the boss healed all the damage I did
Cute Quinn
I give up
Cute Quinn
time to break free so I can flee in defeat again
Cute Quinn
Wiki says the highwayman "breaks" this fight because he can do point blank shot while locked
Cute Quinn
to do... 10 damage, out of the anchorman's 29 health
Cute Quinn
meaning the boss will only gain about three trillion health before I can deal with the anchorman
Cute Quinn
update: boss back at hull health
Cute Quinn
escaped in defeat again
Cute Quinn
I 100% don't understand how this fight is possible even reading the wiki
Cute Quinn
all of its advice is basically what I was doing and I was 1000% outclassed with my max-upgraded max-level carefully-selected team
Cute Quinn
then anchorman has 50% prot until it hooks someone, so trying to focus it down before it starts healing the boss is useless
Cute Quinn
the boss has 50% prot after the anchorman hooks someone, so trying to ignore the anchorman and focus the boss is useless
Cute Quinn
blazingfool Gabiluzbad I need the biggest possible strategy guns how is this boss even in the same universe as possible to beat
Cute Quinn
I brought everything I could possibly think of against it and was effortlessly flattened, retreating barely alive with two people afflicted and the boss at full health
Cute Quinn
I am aware that I got tilted, I've stopped playing for now
I dunno man
Cute Quinn
but what the fuck was that
Plague doctor is god tier in the Cove
One gag strategy I’ve heard is that If you can get their move resist low enough that you can get the anchorman behind the boss
The AI can’t deal with it
Cute Quinn
I'm not aware offhand of any ways to lower move resist
But I’ve never done it
Cute Quinn
also it has 245% move resist
Cute Quinn
so that seems iffy
Yeah it requires shenanigans
Cute Quinn
OK reading more into things
Hmm what else
Cute Quinn
Anchorman heals to full when it hooks someone
Cute Quinn
so ignore it until it grabs someone
Oh that important yeah
Cute Quinn
and it takes no turns while it has someone pinned
Cute Quinn
so it's immune to bleed/blight
The anchorman is functionally invincible u til he grabs someone
And the boss gets big defense buffs while someone is grabbed
So ignore the anchorman until he acts and THEN fall on him like a ton of bricks
Cute Quinn
so plague doctor would mainly be there to just spam Noxious Blast on the boss over and over
Cute Quinn
Crusader over Leper because he has innate unholy
Cute Quinn
unholy damage buff*
Cute Quinn
then I guess keep the highwayman and vestal
I’ve had good luck with the abomin
Cute Quinn
I've had pretty bad luck with the abomination, in general, but I may have just been using it in the wrong dungeons
Cute Quinn
like I had one, got him to level 6, he died, got a lucky event to revive him, then he died again almost instantly
Cute Quinn
so now my only abom in level 1
Maybe not then
Cute Quinn
really my number one issue is that, since my main Vestal died and I had to flee, I lost all my healing relics
That is a problem
Healing relics are kinda extremely important
Cute Quinn
so, tasks for now
Cute Quinn
level my plague doctor up a LOT
Cute Quinn
upgrade the trinket merchant a lot
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find new healing trinkets
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn
maybe fight a different boss in the meantime
Cute Quinn
know what's a counter hard enoguh to be a joke though
Cute Quinn
bringing a Houndmaster to fight The Flesh
Cute Quinn
I have
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CLEARED the Warrens
One of the dlc classes has an attack that hits all enemies for blight damage
If you bring that AND the hound master?
Cute Quinn
fucking what flesh
Cute Quinn
my thought regarding the notion that the AI will sometimes pick a character and go out of their way to ruin their day is:
Cute Quinn
- I'm not convinced it's true and not just confirmation bias
Cute Quinn
- It is, however, to your benefit to behave as if it is
Cute Quinn
Cute Quinn
bounty hunter dead
Cute Quinn
Gibbering Prophet kill failed