"But, you know, after a five-year timeskip, so rather than worrying about not having enough time left to explore this new development, we just pretend it was explored off camera"
" Markus also revealed that there is extensive footage of Johansson making a sandwich, which he jokingly said he "can't believe" was cut from the film." ...again, why
saying "they had Antman emerge from the quantum realm so they could explore a postapocalyptic setting!!" implies they didn't realize they needed to if they were going to do a time skip
" Nebula and War Machine (Don Cheadle) were originally going to arrive on Morag while it was underwater, and they would have fought a giant sea monster. Again, cool, but it lacked an emotional connection." .....d....why would it HAVE to?
I am 0% surprised that "THERE MUST BE A PRE-ESTABLISHED EMOTIONAL CONTEXT TO MAKE THIS SHIT AS MAUDLIN AS POSSIBLE" was a motivation for cutting/changing scenes
fuck story if you can squeeze some more feelings out of uncritically obsessive fans by surprising and upsetting them that's what drama's really all about
authorial intent is great and all, and makes for an interesting footnote, but this whole "it doesn't make how bad an idea it is or how it undermines the story, if the writer/director says so it must be true!!!!" thing is really unhelpful
unless what could've been was removed because f executive manipulation, I don't really care if you chose not to have the hulk save the cop from die hard
also, about the time travel, I am STILL laughing incredulously over the reveal that the writers were in disagreement about whether or not Steve had changed history
even for the brief moments he was in birds of prey, they didn't even bother to get jared leto back, they just went on a casting call for "guy who can fit in jared leto's clothes"
Andie MacDowell said in an interview that Bill Murray genuinely and for real ate all of the food in the diner scenes, and that she felt so bad every time she blew a take
(she was laughing when she said it, which is important; if he'd actually made her feel bad for his own ridiculous choice, that would be crappy of him!)
"They needed someone with similar hands to Leto's Joker, and someone who would fit the costumes. So I just came in and turned out to be the same sizes, and they gave me the part." amazing.
he's p. good at doing Falcon things, but not so much the supersoldier things and being frustratingly charismatic and goodnatured and inspirational except when the writers want him not to be
I joke there's probably a valid reason that we'll find out 5 years after it airsexcept when the writers want him not to be