Luke Skywanker
[birthday] You're invited! IDK if any of you wanna come to my quarantine quarante-et-un, but it's this coming Saturday from 11am-1pm PDT!
Luke Skywanker
I tried to pick a time that would be rational for most people I know but you know...
فك يو
this is cute! i'd love to pop in and say hi if i'm feeling less headachey and shitty by then
Luke Skywanker
I'm just weirdly jazzed about the prospect of family/friends/theater/RP worlds colliding IDK why
Luke Skywanker
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quarante-et-un is adorable
thot crimes
i will drop in if I am not in the middle of a tabletop
Mad Larkin
I may be there, depending on how I feel
Mad Larkin
and what the weather is like
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
That's the beauty of an open house
Luke Skywanker
that you don't even have to wear pants for
Wait, whut? Is this a Zoom thing?
Luke Skywanker
Lady Stardust
I have no zoom and am unlikely to get one
Luke Skywanker
I don't have the meeting set up yet, but I'll basically send out a meeting number and people can drop in and wave or chat or whatever!
Lady Stardust
but happy birthday anyway <3
Luke Skywanker
Lady Stardust : that's okay! While I'd love to see you, this was the option I knew of where I could ge tas many people in there as possible.
Luke Skywanker
And since you can launch it from a browser it's worked pretty well for other gatherings lately.