“It’s strange,’ I told Ophyr. ‘Men probably still believe in the meaning of life, whether it is out of fear for the death and the unknown or survival instinct or other reasons; the species continue. Death is simple and effortless, whereas life is by contrast complicated and difficult, and can be repeatedly torturous.
Can you imagine? If the entire race plunge into death, choosing the easier way for obvious reason, and mankind will go extinct. It will be a very, very despairing world.”
“You speak as if most people can live to the day when they find living is harder than dying, and lives are too disappointing for their tastes that do not worth all that much effort, while we commoners have seen many deaths even in early years to know survival requires luck, and no one can credit luck to themselves.
“You’ve never indeed, for I wasn’t then, and isn’t still, what others would call pious. As for speaking as a commoner … a man should know whence he comes to know where he’s heading.
But my friend,” he said sincerely, “though wizards give no name to the deity of their faiths other than knowledge, we who pursue understanding of the universe know best the limitation of men and what lies beyond our reach.
We’ve seen the end of human horizon and have realized our places; thus, we are humble, even though our respects are not paid to the gods of communal beliefs.”