for the most part he enjoys puzzles! he definitely enjoys the challenge. he will feel frustrated though if it becomes fairly obvious that it's not a problem he can solve by either working it out or looking things up somewhere (or asking around).
despite his usual issue with locked doors lmao he'd actually feel pretty ok in like an escape room game if there was a group of people with him HE WOULD LOVE DOING THAT
technically jongdae falls more on the side of possibility because basically his entire personality is based around the idea that his life will turn around and he can have nice things
but he very strongly also desires safety and security and the anxiety that gets generated from him trying to stay open all the time to possibilities is why he has all kinds of compulsive shit he feels like he has to do
jongdae falls more on the side of possibility because basically his entire personality is based around the idea that his life will turn around and he can have nice thingspossibilities
is why he has all kinds of compulsive shit he feels like he has to do