[covid-19] Sunday Venting Plurk If you want to vent or express anxiety or whatever else about coronavirus and how it is affecting your life, feel free to dump it here. This is so you can mute and move on, or if you have things you want to say that you don't want to keep putting on your own timeline.
I'm finding my patience growing thin with social distancing. Things are starting to look up in New York and I know it's complicated, but I'm not sure I can take another month of this
I can let a lot go but I own two border collie things. I would not own these dogs if I did not have access to sports, trails, and/or parks and fields. Which is what my life is now
and my friend with corgis and a larger yard anyway (well more open one) being all "WELL MY DOGS ARE FINE" is actually irritating me because a-) her particular dogs are pretty damn low drive and they have more comparative room and Molly in particular is starting to scream at TREES BLOWING IN THE BREEZE she is so pent up and bored.
Anyway I am going to ask Michael to take a day and go to the openstate park at some super off hour and pray because the border things need it and otherwise I"m turning them into rugs
Sunday Venting Plurk
If you want to vent or express anxiety or whatever else about coronavirus and how it is affecting your life, feel free to dump it here. This is so you can mute and move on, or if you have things you want to say that you don't want to keep putting on your own timeline.
as ever, mute at will