Darling Potato
Does anyone know if Ivy Graves (Atomic) is still creating/releasing? I tried contacting the people in her profile and I'm getting zero response .
Or Tyr, she collabed together a long while.
Kittyfox McMeep
She has her own new brand I thought?
Kittyfox McMeep
Or is Birdy not Atomic?
nina and ivy are different people iirc
Kittyfox McMeep
ah, then I have no idea :<
grixdale might know they used to collaborate.
Little Sunshine
might know too.
Darling Potato
Right, Ivy owns Atomic and used to collab with Tyr and then later Tyr and Nina collaborated for awhile. A. I hope she's OK whatever is up and we'd love to invite her to Summerfest but I obviously don't want to bother her if she's on a break. I just can't find any info .
Darling Potato
chroniclesofaya: I'll reach out to Mochi, thanks!
Little Sunshine
Ivy is no longer in secondlife
Darling Potato
Little Sunshine
: Oh no . Thank you for letting me know.