Luke Skywanker
[trek and those crazy kids on fb]

YES I KNOW this is bad for me just...I have NO IDEA how this guy got so mad
ᴍᴏᴍᴏᴄʜᴋᴀ »
I feel like he just started aggro af, and that’s vexing
Luke Skywanker
yeah I'm fine I just hate being told how I feel
Luke Skywanker
like, I am sorry don't tell me I'm not
Luke Skywanker
also super confused about what he thinks social justice is?
hm. zaffram. I see.
Luke Skywanker
so he says it's not SJ because humanity came together
Luke Skywanker
to make everyone equal and better
Luke Skywanker
they did something he agrees with and it didn't include someone yelling at him, it can't be social justice
????? dude
Luke Skywanker
that's the part I'm actually mad about!!!
What a condescending asshat
honestly that's upsetting
like what's going on in his head that he can't except [sic] it
Luke Skywanker
yeah and is there no way to have a conversation???
between this and the Lilo and Stitch discourse I--
GrayArcadian needs to see this. For reasons.
Maybe even Gavitron because I started reading and said things outloud and there was laughter.
Luke Skywanker
oh there's more
I'm tempted to pour myself a glass of wine and go "please, continue. I want more."
Luke Skywanker
I mean, flee when you've had enough
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I do think I've got a slightly better handle on where the logical break is?
Luke Skywanker
so it's somewhat useful
He has an inherently fucked up idea of what "social justice" is.
Luke Skywanker
and if anyone reads this, please do call me out if I've been illogical, combative, or condescending
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
which, to be fair, is the exact reason I don't actually apply that label to myself
Luke Skywanker
because the people who self-apply that term are why I'm not in fandom anymore
"Someone once made me feel bad about social justice, therefore, social justice must be bad, because my delicate fee-fees are more important than realizing I might have made a misstep, so fuck everyone who tries to identify with social justice. But I love Trek, so I have to figure out a way to address that."
Luke Skywanker
I was TRYING to get at whether we have a different idea of what Star Trek is about. I don't actually think we do!!!
Luke Skywanker
but somehow that's me being pushy
You have been FAR more polite than our dear wonderful GrayArcadian has been. She's eating a sammich right behind me and needs more compliment..... I digress. M has literally been kicked out of Trek fan communities on facebook for telling men off for being assholes.
Luke Skywanker
Because my goal here was just to figure out if this is about values or labels
Luke Skywanker
Not my style.
I'm pretty sure this guy was being both an edgelord and wanting to apply labels to people.
Luke Skywanker
I know that he can't see me as anything not someone who yells at people which makes it complicated but I don't like yelling. I don't think it changes anything.
Luke Skywanker
But I pride myself in polite and politic discourse. on the chance someone else might be moved
It's a case of this guy had his mind made up. It wasn't anything about your tone.
Luke Skywanker
I figured.
He likely thought he could bait you into being impolite or combative by calling you a SJW. He was using it as a slur.
Luke Skywanker
oh I know. imo it's a slur.
Luke Skywanker
maybe it's been reclaimed by some but ..
Luke Skywanker
While I'll all for the concept I've not had good experiences with call out and SJW culture, which is why I make a distinction
I don't apply SJW to myself because people are shitty about it
I just call it trying to be a fucking decent person
Luke Skywanker
So my experiemce was that SJ arose and a concept, and people started to adopt it, and then people behaved in specifically shitty ways and got labeled with SJW
Luke Skywanker
As opposed to just social justice. the warrior part used to connote someone who didn't care about other people but claimed to be working on the side of Justice.
Luke Skywanker
But yeah it's called being a decent person
Luke Skywanker
but so is feminism and shit so...
Eh, I'm a Social Justice Wild Mage. ;-)
wow this guy's ass is intensely chapped about the term "social justice"
if it were me I'd ask him if he prefers the term "fully automated space communism," because that's his only alternative
this dude is big mad about the term social justice and he's pathetic, honestly. you're too good for this convo
Luke Skywanker
Eh, I know
Luke Skywanker
I can't help myself sometimes
Ew, dick swinging men. The men who are too stupid to consider that if they're set off by the phrase 'social justice' maybe there's a problem and it's in them
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I'm still trying to figure out what he thinks he spelled out for me
Luke Skywanker
he described what I think of as social justice then calls me names for saying we believe the same things. Why is that so threatening? bizarre.
Luke Skywanker
and to be clear, I'm FINE, it was illustrative for me
a lot of men seem to think 'social justice' is a four letter word
it doesn't matter what it actually means, it's awful and oppressive and mean
so mean to men :-( :-(
won't someone please help the poor men
the world is such a hostile environment for them now they could possibly be chastised for their behavior
Luke Skywanker
what's funny is I never even did. How response is so hostile considering the stimulus
It's that poor man's mirrorverse counterpart out to ruin his reputation.
Honestly just the fear of being told 'no' seems to enrage or terrify most men. You don't have to do or say anything against them, you just have to have your own opinion.
Luke Skywanker
It's a trip
...This guy's argument appears to be "ST isn't about social justice, it's about [describes social justice]."
And appears to think that social justice = cancel culture? Has a very skewed idea of what social justice is, but is absolutely convinced that he's right and refuses to listen to explanations.
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
showed this to another group and they were like "wow you were so combative" and now I feel like shit again
....I'm curious about the demographics of that group, honestly.
Luke Skywanker
The FB group? The ones who actually talk are primarily older, white, and male, going by their photos. The reason I keep digging is just because it's hard for me to watch the show and see what they saw.
Luke Skywanker
with the above, I was actually trying to drill down to where we agreed because I think we actually do! On a lot! So i felt I was being decent, not hostile/heated.
I meant the group who said you were combative.
Luke Skywanker
Oh that's a kirk/spock group
Luke Skywanker
Someone definitely just said "you were both at fault" and other than walking away--which I grant you, I should've done - I just can't figure out what I said that was wrong? Meh. I'll get over it.
You were the least combative ever, tf is wrong with them
Luke Skywanker
yeah I... don't know. But thank you.
"confident in your opinion" only translates to "combative" when you're a woman tbh. You were not combative, you just didn't allow him to convince you to throw away your opinion and nod along with his
you didn't call him names. You even asked questions.