→ yard sard
[toki] today's episode of "he's smarter than he looks"
→ yard sard
he's still not as good at answering "what do you want?" as other smart dogs in the past, who would actually go show me
→ yard sard
but I am wrecking his little doggy life with "do you waaaaaant..."
→ yard sard
followed by "toki dinner," "to go outside," "your treat ball," etc
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sometimes he just gets excited as soon as I start asking Do You Want and I have to call him back so I can finish asking BUT
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now, I've noticed
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when the answer is that he desperately wants some food thing that I have or is nearby
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he will LOOK VERY HARD at the thing he wants when I start to ask him Do You Want
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so last night it went:
Just Lore
Awww Toki
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me: what is it? do you want--
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also I have to note that when he gets really excited about food, he stares so much that tears well up and sometimes just fall out of his eyes
→ yard sard
he cries for foo
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→ yard sard
last night he cried tears onto stick's pillow because hashbrowns
hashbrowns are worth crying over, this is known.
→ yard sard
he did indeed earn himself a couple of hasbrowns
oh no cute puppy
Wayward Haze
ohhhhhhhhh precious.
such smart Toki love
Just Lore
Oh no Tokiiiii