Flash Bastard
Flash Bastard
I kinda forgot how good this album is?????
Flash Bastard
Four-year-old me: What's parallel lines?
Flash Bastard
(I'm not even joking.)
Flash Bastard
Flash Bastard
FUN STORY, I once went looking this one up without remembering the title. I remembered the beat of the chorus, but the lyric I was looking for was that opening "WHENEVER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
Flash Bastard
And I nailed it! XD
Flash Bastard
Other concepts Tiny Me learned from music!
Flash Bastard
This one's just fun ok ok.
Flash Bastard
I am Pretty Sure based on the date I saw a different stop on this tour (the WHOLE THING was just him and a piano, it was amazeballs).
Flash Bastard
Mostly throwing that one in for the opening "I have moistened the piano, this should be interesting. PLONK of wiping off the keys"
Flash Bastard
And since our weekly 'router burps at 3:30 AM' is approaching: