Luke Skywanker
I could be wrong, but I feel like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is an odd movie to put on then walk out of the room.
Luke Skywanker
I emerged from mine to find that playing. There is no one here.
Luke Skywanker
Oh lol she just texted me from her room to tell me the movie's just on for noise.
I don't understand the TV being put on in common areas 'just for noise'. At all.
Luke Skywanker
yeah it's not my jam. the radio, maybe, but why do I feel differently about that?
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
My husband has to have the TV on if he's in the room, even if he's watching something else on his ipad or whatever, but not when he's in a different room.
There's almost no noise in that movie
Is the extra weird part
it's 2/3rds long shots of train tracks switching and men striding under soft jazz
Luke Skywanker
maybe get her a soft jazz album to put on instead?
Luke Skywanker
She has access to every music that exists on all the services