Petition to President Donald Trump to hold China’s government accountable for the China's Wuhan coronavirus 連署支持美國總統川普對於中國採取制裁行動,中國故意隱瞞武漢肺炎冠狀病毒疫情的真實情況,向美國川普總統請願連署,中國故意隱瞞武漢肺炎冠狀病毒疫情,拖延通報世界各國,造成世界各國到今天死亡人數繼續攀升,中國政府必須付出代價。 Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world because of denial and deceit on the side of the communist government of China
From the very beginning, the Communist Party of China has been lying about the disease, lowering the numbers and locking up doctors who spoke about the outbreak.
Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world because of denial and deceit on the side of the communist government of China
From the very beginning, the Communist Party of China has been lying about the disease, lowering the numbers and locking up doctors who spoke about the outbreak.
Needs 7,161 signatures by April 15, 2020 to get a response from the White House