Guardian Bear J
[AC:NH] ... Ho, I've got a sentai suit in the Able Sisters' shop today.

Guardian Bear J
... Pardon me, a "Zap Suit".


Guardian Bear J
Should I open my island?

Guardian Bear J
... In 8 different colors no less.

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Guardian Bear J
... AND Celeste is visiting!

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what's your fruit?

Guardian Bear J
Everything. But cherries is my main fruit.

Guardian Bear J
(I've got all the fruit, so I'm quite set on that front, but if you're looking to sell? Anything but cherries.)

Guardian Bear J
The gates to Croatoa are now open!

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i need to plug in but also tell me - do you have an ocarina yet?

Guardian Bear J
I do, yes.

Guardian Bear J
... AND A VAMPIRE COAT. The Ables are hitting it out of the park on their opening day!

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lemme... grab my fruit stash

Guardian Bear J

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uh oh spoder

Guardian Bear J
Noooo, spoder man go home

Guardian Bear J
Or the shop. The shop's better.

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Guardian Bear J
See you shortly!

Guardian Bear J

Guardian Bear J
Time to sell spooder.

Guardian Bear J
God, my island is HOPPING today.

Guardian Bear J
D: D: D:

Guardian Bear J
(Also, if anyone sees any items they want, I'll be happy to buy and mail them, if I can.)

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flick is in the southeast corner

Guardian Bear J
Yep, I saw him. I just can't pick up my wall o' spiders while I have visitors. But he'll be here all night, so I've got time. ^_^

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ahhh ok

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can you send me the green suit please?

Guardian Bear J
I can absolutely send you a green zap suit.

Guardian Bear J
One more hour before the Ables close for the night, if you want to be a sentai look-alike, now's the time!