hi. checking in. work is brutal. my anxiety is out of control at this point. work 2 days and use 3 days just to recover. between the hoards of people swarming the hardware stores and the exposure risk we’re all facing, im exhausted. a family member back home has tested positive. keeping in touch with them as well as i can. scared.
Car Rat
I care, I think you’re awesome and I miss you and I hope you’re taking care of yourself because you are loved
I care. thinking of you
I didn’t mean it in a flippant way. That came across wrong. I apologize. My nerves are shot. Thank you both, Car Rat and Daeberethwen .
Don't worry about that. We just want you to know we care
I fixed the tone. I try to stay positive on other social media. I posted a silly coffee idea yesterday on Facebook. I don’t want my family to worry about me. I’m a little more unfiltered here tho.
Car Rat
It’s ok, I’m having a poop day too. You need to be unfiltered here, we’re here to love you and to listen
perky : My sister is stuck working through this too...Home Depot as well, and I worry about her a lot. I hope you stay safe, and we're thinking about you.
Stereo Nacht
Pam Spam
You know we've got your back, and you are amazing