I mean that if people actually wear red armbands, are they really doing anything to support the frontliners aside from going "look at me I support the frontliners"
Okay, I agree. But that brings me to my earlier point, what has the government got to gain from doing that? Is it some sort of a hidden loyalty check? A propaganda campaign that could last all the way to tne next (non-existent) election?
Like, if you wear a red armband and donate say 1000 masks. Are you better than someone who didn't wear a red armband and donated 1000 masks too. No, but it makes you feel superior to the other guy, so yeah it's classic virtue signalling
It's a way for the government to enable their supporters to feel superior to people more critical of the government in a tangible way, is my tinfoil theory
I could understand the hyperbole (doesn't make it any less reprehensible tho), but if they're intentionally polarizing society, perhaps in preparation for the elimination of the untermenschen, then...
virtue signalling
Actually, I forgot about that.